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Making Streets Safe for Schools: The “Rues aux Écoles” System Explained

After the Joseph-Lotte schools in the Saint-Martin district and the Gantelles in Maurepas, the “rues aux écoles” system is offered in Albert-de-Mun in the Sud-gare district and Jules Ferry in La Bellangerais. By temporarily closing access to cars, the streets around schools are made secure and encourage children to arrive on foot or by bike. Safely.

The street to schools, how does it work?

In the immediate vicinity of the school, removable barriers are installed to temporarily prevent the circulation of motor vehicles. Mornings from 8:20 a.m. to 8:50 a.m., and Wednesday lunchtimes from 11:50 a.m. to 12:20 p.m., the street then becomes a space reserved for pedestrians, cyclists and scooters.
Residents are authorized to enter and leave the street at low speed (20km/h). An exception for motorized traffic is planned for emergency services and people with reduced mobility.

Experiment to better adapt

Initially, the device is installed from October 9 to 20. It should be made permanent at the start of the All Saints holidays.
Parental involvement is requested during the experimentation phase in order to ensure a presence at the barriers during street closures. They can thus help explain the system to other parents and children, local residents and motorists and actively participate in the assessment which will be drawn up at the end of the experiment.

A city at the height of a child

The objective is to build the city at a child’s height. that is to say, to put in place the conditions so that they can move around in public spaces in complete safety. This is what streets allow for schools, by limiting the place of the automobile.

In this sense, the street to schools is a system meeting multiple objectives:

Improve the safety of children and parents around schoolsProvide a peaceful local public space Promote gentle mobility (walking, cycling, scootering, etc.) Improve health by combating a sedentary lifestyle Allow greater autonomy for children Reduce pollution (noise pollution, air quality, etc.)
2023-10-09 09:03:26
#school #streets #give #priority #children

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