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Making a new season of “Paradise”: intervenes after a decline in viewers

PROGRAM PRESIDENT: Andreas TIX Haukland will continue as host on the reality series.

According to VG’s information, Viaplay is not satisfied with the viewing figures of ‘Paradise’. However, they are in the process of getting participants for a new season.


“Paradise Hotel” has been characterized by intrigue, sex, competition and love for several years. But that was all over when the concept returned in a whole new guise this summer.

VG reviewer referenced new “Heaven” as more “woke up” than ever and wondered if it would fare well with viewers.

Much subsequently indicated this not done.

According to VG’s information, Viaplay is not happy with the viewing figures and is now taking action after there was much less interest in Season 1 than in previous seasons of ‘Paradise Hotel’.

SEASON 1: Many of the attendees said they were disappointed with the production and didn’t feel involved.

Viaplay is starting the casting process for a third season. The second season was filmed in Mexico immediately after the first season and will premiere in the new year.

At the moment it is not known exactly what the changes will be and it is uncertain what the production will do to win back viewers.

VG asked program director Marius Rønnekleiv for comment, who said Viaplay has no comment on the matter.

In the new concept was introduced a set of new rules. For the first time, participants could choose partners regardless of gender and also did not have to share a bed.

The feedback the channel has received from viewers is that there has been “too little drama” and that it has occasionally been “boring”.

By the way, there were very few discussions in the first season. The only time two of the participants ended up in an argument, the announcer Haukland interrupted and brought the participants together for a chat.

In season three, Haukland continues as host. VG has been in contact with Haukland, who has no comment on the matter.

NEW LOCATION: In the new concept, “Paradise” played in a completely new hotel.

After the season 1 finale declared the winner to VG that he was disappointed and felt forgotten by the production, and that he felt Viaplay didn’t invest as much into their season as they have in the past.

The main changes were announced after the Swedish spring season last year of “Paradise Hotel” removed from streaming service. It happened in May, after two of the participants said they were postponed for abuse while recording.

The changes also came after Viaplay opted to remove last year’s Norwegian season, as the winner, Markus Grønberg, was sentenced to prison for rape of a minor girl.

Grønberg attended a recording session at the same time he was under investigation.


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