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Makes sense to screen people at high risk for pancreatic cancer

The screening consists of an annual MRI scan and is only offered to people who have a DNA error in the gene that contains the recipe for protein p16. This DNA error increases the risk of pancreatic cancer by as much as 20 percent. The conclusion of the study into the 20-year screening program is clear: annual screening of people with a genetically increased risk of pancreatic cancer makes sense. More than 80 percent of the participants in whom pancreatic cancer was found were able to undergo surgery.

In the normal population this is only the case in 20 percent of patients because the tumor is often already too large or has spread. In addition, the average survival 5 years after diagnosis among participants was 32 percent, compared to only 5 percent in the general population. “Our results show that this screening leads to the detection of pancreatic cancer at an early stage, with a better survival,” says gastrointestinal liver doctor Monique van Leerdam.


Ultimately, 350 people with an error in the p16 gene took part in the screening. But how do you find out that you have this error? LUMC doctors had been eyeing families from the area for a long time, where melanomas were relatively common. The cause turned out to be in the p16 gene. It was noticeable that pancreatic cancer often developed in these so-called p16 Leiden carriers. That was the reason for gastrointestinal liver doctor Hans Vasen to start an annual pancreatic cancer screening in this group in early 2000.

Despite the positive results, it is important to realize that there is also a downside to screening programs. This includes the chance of false positives, i.e. patients who appear to have a tumor on the scan, but in the end turn out not to be the case. This occurred in 7 cases in this study.

According to physician-researcher Derk Klatte and gastrointestinal-liver physician Monique van Leerdam, this screening program is unique in the world and only possible due to the participation of p16 Leiden carriers and the 20-year commitment of a dedicated team consisting of radiologists, surgeons, pathologists, clinical geneticists and dermatologists.

By: National Care Guide

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