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Make smart choices – this chick eats chaos

UPSAHL – Satellite level, 23.08.2024

Boring artists are the worst. Especially on stage. Outgoing, energetic, quirky, and in some cases downright cow-co performers – that’s what most of us buy tickets to see.

Upsahl, whose first name is Taylor, is not here to carry us.

– Norway! What the fuck up?

Upsahl is like a cheerleader who dropped out of school, completely gave up on A4 life, and started wrestling for free. She also has two guys with her who look like they were flown in straight from the war.

From the first second it is something very Norwegian with the whole scheme. And I dig it.

Drummer and guitarist is a simple setup, but Upsahl’s co-players have very important roles. This is much rougher than the singles I’ve heard before.

The singer from Arizona really pulls on the lyrics, like a kind of stoner descendant of Beck and Gwen Stefani. She’s cool, she knows she’s cool, and sure of it at others completely agree that she is cool.

This confidence radiates energy to us in front of the Satellite Stage. Despite the strange lack of interest from the audience at first, Upsahl discovers their enthusiasm.

Rakettnatt’s concert was rougher and more difficult than Upsahl’s singles and records.
Photo: Stig Brøndbo

– I light your whole shit / Kiss you in the little dick

“Lunatic” is among the songs where she doesn’t put so much as a cigarette paper between them. Such one-liners would have gone straight down the drain if they came out of the mouths of most of us.

On the other hand, this energy bomb has authority from the desert, and especially middleenough to turn most complaints into scumbags with mouths full of gold.

Upsahl pours us an eclectic musical cocktail. She bears a clear resemblance to the original tough-as-Indian female Peaches, but the electroclash genre is only a small part of the premise.

The music is melodic like modern R&B and unpredictable like 90s indie rock. There is also a lot of hip-hop in the machine that moves the songs along.

“Knife” har end size Here, the climax is so loud and pompous that I think of Elvis and Aretha Franklin in a pie-eating contest, surrounded by New Year’s fireworks, while rainbow colored dolphins on a diet of ballerina cookies, vodka and Red Bull bounce around in the background. .

This music feeds chaos. In a world where a lot of music is becoming predictable, and too similar, we should respect freaks like Upsahl. Gussy green smoothies, ready-made desserts and sensible options – we have more than enough of that.

This kind of reservation, with artists who would not otherwise come to Tromsø, and who give a hundred percent more on stage, is never wrong.

2024-08-23 21:36:48

#smart #choices #chick #eats #chaos

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