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Make “City cooperation

Cities, hospitals, nursing homes, clinics… stakeholders in the health sector are making progress today independently of each other. If this functioning in silos has succeeded in the past, it is tested today. The challenges are many. Some emergencies are, in fact, constant, such as shortages of caregivers or medical deserts, despite the policies cyclical mises in place. others, marked par of the difficulties organizational, are cyclic (resignations, losses of sens) et plus what never weakened par a crisis sanitary sans previous.

However, solutions do exist. Relegated to the state of a patch, they deserve to be recognized et perpetuated pour answer to challenges of notre system of health.

Decompartmentalize pour harmonize them forces et them needs

The gateways are necessary to connect health establishments, both private and public, to liberal health professionals. The objective ? To relieve them workforce. The temporary arrangements for making freelancers available to establishments of health publics, deployed par some ARS pendant the crisis of the Covid-19, ont by the way demonstrated their efficiency.

In addition, let’s look at the figures: out of 505,000 self-employed healthcare professionals in France*, we count 24 million days of availability for reinforcement missions within the establishments of health. That represented 4 days of availablity par month**, that is 101 000 full-time equivalent (FTE) on a year.

Let’s have le courage Politics ! Car, imagine ce what the may faire with ce pool of availability to solve the reinforcement needs of health establishments and in particular emergency services, but also of deserts medical.

To diversify them careers of the generations current

Finally, collaborations between sectors also respond to the new aspirations of our society. Whether it’s enriching their experiences, working as a team, reduce administration for the benefit of the patient… health professionals have new cravings. The connexions are essential pour to return le system of health plus attractive.

This is why it is time to transform the palliative means into real remedies. structural! Simplify the liberal exercise and break down the administrative boundaries between the liberal and the public sector will unleash the full potential and resources of our system of health.


Sources :

*Directory ADELI- Orders, data au 1is January 2021.

**Survey carried out in September 2021 among 20,000 healthcare professionals in the community Communication.

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