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Majority rejects the formation of a youth parliament |

Majority rejects the formation of a youth parliament


The main and finance committee yesterday, with the votes of the CDU, FDP and the mayor, rejected the formation of a children’s and youth parliament in Bocholt, which was requested by the social list. There are already enough opportunities to participate, said the chairwoman of the youth welfare committee, Elisabeth Kroesen (CDU). Lukas Behrendt went even further. Young people should get involved directly in the parties and thus exert direct influence, he said.

But that is exactly what many did not want, countered Bärbel Sauer. In addition, it is about introducing 12 to 14-year-olds to political issues, added Monika Ludwig (The Greens). Burkhard Henneken (FDP) was against it because his committee “didn’t mean anything”.


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