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Majority Opposes Halt in Sale of Fossil Fuel-Powered Cars in Norway

Norway Norwegians will continue to fill the tank. Opposition to a halt in the sale of fossil fuel-powered cars is increasing. Photo: Frederik Ringnes / NTB Read more Close


Nov 23 2023 19:56 – Updated Nov 23 2023 19:56

Norwegian citizens’ panel presented by Bergens Tidende.

The survey shows that we are becoming increasingly negative about the Storting’s adopted goal to stop the sale of new diesel and petrol cars from 2025. And the closer we get to the end date, the more skeptical we become.

Six years ago, 57 percent said no, now the proportion has increased to 71 percent.

The figures show that women are more positive about phasing out than men, and young people are also more positive than older people. Scholarship holder Ingrid Kvåle Faleide writes in a comment to the newspaper that Norwegians shy away when the measures interfere with freedom of choice.

– The opposition to the phasing out of fossil fuel cars is probably partly an expression that people do not support measures that mean a restriction of freedom of choice.

Norsk medborgerpanel is a research-driven survey about Norwegians’ attitudes to important social topics and is run by the University of Bergen.

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