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Majority-Dominated National Congress Delays Executive Power Projects – Updates on Pending Legislation

Even though in the National Congress a majority dominates perremeist With the ability to approve any project without obstacles, the legislative body’s committees retain a series of proposals from the Executive power who do not advance in their studies nor do they have reports.

about 20 Projects of the Executive power They are circulating in the different congressional committees and have had to be reintroduced to prevent them from dying. The Projects are stuck in the study teams and the congressmen prioritize the contracts of loans of the Governmentwhich are studied and approved more quickly.

Only in 2023, the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate They approved a total of 16 loans which totaled 2,355,126,411 million dollars. All contracts went through the Finance Commission of the corresponding chamber and none took more than a year to be studied and authorized, compared to others. Projects of the Executive power.

Earrings on CD

In the Chamber of Deputies there is a group of Projects of the Executive power that still does not progress in the commissions. Other pieces have been in the legislative wing since 2021, so they have had to be reintroduced on several occasions, but without any conclusion.

Between the Projects of the Government that are still delayed in the Lower House include the Law to create the Cabo Rojo Tourism Corporation, the draft Law of the Contentious Administrative Jurisdiction, the Advisory Referendum, among other proposals that have been submitted to the Chamber for up to three years. Chamber of Deputies.


In the archives of Senate are also recorded as Projects pending the Organic Law to Restructure and Reform the Reserve Bank, the Law that creates the Specialized Corps for Emergency and Disaster Mitigation (Cemed), which establishes the National Internal Control System and the Comptroller General of the Republic, which typifies and sanctions the crime of kidnapping and the one that prohibits the violation and illicit transfer of public or private real estate, among others.

Although the Legislative Information System of the Senate registers more pending initiatives coming from the Executive powerlos Projects are more recent than those submitted in the Chamber of Deputies. The oldest ones have been studying and preparing reports for a year.


The legislative pieces prepared by the Government who managed to get out of Congress and were promulgated are the Law that provides regulatory measures for concession contracts signed prior to Law No.340-06, on Purchases and Contracting of Goods, Services, Works and Concessions; the Law that creates a Regime of Tax Incentives for National and International Commercial Civil Aviation, the Administration of Seized, Seized and Abandoned Assets in criminal proceedings and in asset forfeiture trials and the Electronic Invoicing Law.

The Law that provides for the Suppression of the Dominican Corporation of State Electrical Companies (Cdeee) and the Suppression of the Rural and Sub-urban Electrification Unit (Uers) were also promulgated; the Special Law for the completion of the multiple project of the Montegrande dam and the one that creates the Ministry of Housing and Buildings, among others.

Those who inheritance

Others Projects who deposited the Executive power in it Congress They did not suffer the same fate and expired due to delays in their analysis and approvals. Pieces such as the Law that abolishes the State Sugar Council (CEA), the Law that introduces special measures applicable to Projects of public infrastructure and public-private alliances, that of Public Function and that that modifies article 4 of law no. 4532 of August 31, 1956, which regulates the exploration, exploitation and benefits by individuals of oil deposits and its derivatives, hydrocarbons and other similar fuels.

Dominican journalist. He writes about legislative and political topics.

2024-02-02 08:47:05
#Congressmen #delay #group #Government #projects #prioritize #loans

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