Hamburg (dpa/lno) – For the Horner Rennbahn crossing structure, which is intended to enable the U4 to be extended, existing tunnels will be dismantled from May and the tunnels for underground lines 2 and 4 will be laid on top of each other. With the extension in the direction of Horner Geest, 13,000 people will be able to reach the Hamburg subway network on foot for the first time, the Hamburger Hochbahn announced on Wednesday.
Several closures are therefore possible for the construction work: on April 27, from 9 p.m., the route from Berliner Tor to Billstedt will be closed. From April 28 to May 1, the trains between the Berliner Tor and Horner Rennbahn stops are canceled, and one day later there are no trains between Rauhes Haus and Billstedt. On May 3rd, the actual interruption of the U2 and U4 between the Rauhes Haus and Legienstraße stops, which lasted almost a year, will start.
For this purpose, Hochbahn has created a mobility concept in order to be able to offer passengers efficient alternative transport. This includes, above all, the direct bus, according to Hochbahn traffic planner Lykourgos Tsirigotis.
By the end of 2026, the U4 extension with the two stops Stoltenstraße and Horner Geest should then be usable for all passengers.
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