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Major Nelson celebrates 20 years of career at Microsoft – Nerd4.life

For many Larry “Major Nelson” Hryb is the image man of Xbox. He was, in fact, the first public face of the console of Microsoft and today, although Phil Spencer certainly has more space, he continues to represent the old guard who survived 4 generations of Boxes X and above all the disastrous period of Don Mattrick. On January 15 of 20 years ago the Major joined Microsoft and from that moment he committed himself to spread the word of Xbox in the world.

Larry Hryb did not join Microsoft directly for the Games division. Indeed, on January 15, 2001 he was hired to join the team of MSN Music, a project that should have been born simultaneously with Windows XP. Fortunately for her, her career survived that service, Zune, and all other MS attempts in that industry.

Microsoft, on the contrary, in these 20 years has gone from 38,000 to over 160,000 employees, expanding its range of action, as well as its value. Luckily for Hryb in the “next corridor was a small team that was working on a gaming platform that would be launched later, called XboxAnd from which moment an apparently unsinkable partnership began.

From which moment on “I felt like a kid at Disney Word. It was everything I wanted and still is. Also because I know some details about upcoming projects and, well, they are terribly excited about the future of Xbox“, he concluded.

We can only congratulate this figure always positive for our industry. Prepared, laid and never out of line, even when posing with a Lancer in hand. So, a hundred of these days, Major!

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