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“Major Inspection Finds Underage and Underpaid Delivery Drivers in Meal and Flash Delivery Companies”

Underpaid, delivery drivers under the age of sixteen or an unsafe work situation. These are a number of examples of what the Labor Inspectorate encountered during a major inspection on Friday at more than 350 companies in the meal and flash delivery in various cities.

The inspectorate found dozens of violations and finds that ‘a lot of unfair and unsafe’ work is done in meal and flash delivery. In more than twenty cases, the deliverers were under the age of sixteen. One person was only thirteen. This has been prohibited since 2020, to prevent the many accidents involving underage delivery drivers.

In 3 cases, delivery drivers also worked longer than allowed and 21 people were not allowed to work in the Netherlands anyway on the basis of the Foreign Nationals Employment Act (Wav). Eleven times delivery drivers were paid in cash or too little. “Our inspectors come across delivery drivers who receive twenty euros for an evening’s work. That is of course absolutely not what the minimum wage in the Netherlands is. That is also not the type of country we want to be,” responds Inspector General Rits de Boer.

In some cases, the safety at the companies was also not up to par. For example, there were heavy products at a height. Or products were placed in paths that were too narrow. Emergency exits were also regularly blocked.

The Labor Inspectorate also reports that the police have also issued fines for driving through a red light, driving over the sidewalk and not (properly) wearing a helmet.

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2023-05-16 06:59:50

#Inspectorate #finds #dozens #underage #meal #flash #deliverers #inspection

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