In a former bicycle shop on the Kerkewal in the center of Gorredijk, a very large fire broke out on Thursday evening. The fire spread to an adjacent building. Both buildings can be considered lost. A BN warning has been issued due to smoke development.
Since this is a wildfire and the buildings are close together, the firefighters switched to GRIP-1. The bodies of Drachten, Beetsterzwaag, Jubbega, Drachten, Nieuwehorne, Akkrum, Lemmer, Ureterp and Heerenveen are on site to put out the fire. They were unable to stop the fire from spreading to an adjacent building. Firefighters are trying to prevent the spread to a third building.
Eight homes in the area were evacuated and residents were taken care of. The mobile unit is there to clear the area. Many people want to watch the fire, but room has to be made for the fire trucks.
According to fire brigade spokesman Jan Kees Toxopeus, there are no more people in the building. A BN alarm has been issued because a lot of smoke is being released during the fire. Firefighters recommend closing windows and doors and turning off mechanical ventilation.
The building has the status of a monument and was built in 1776. The building used to house a bicycle shop.