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Major Consolidation of National Policy Special Grant Projects: Ministry of Education Reduces Projects from 166 to 30 by 2024

Major consolidation of national policy special grant projects
166 this year → Reduce to around 30 in 2024

Panoramic view of the Sejong Government Complex, Ministry of Education. Hankyoreh file photo

The Ministry of Education decided to drastically reduce the number of education policy projects directly operated by schools and to overhaul various committee systems within schools in order to reduce the burden of administrative work outside of class on teachers. The Ministry of Education announced on the 25th that it will consolidate national policy special grant projects from 166 this year to around 30 in 2024. Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education Lee Joo-ho said on this day, “Many of the purpose-built projects that the Ministry of Education and the Office of Education have been pursuing have contributed to excessive school administrative work, so we have significantly improved the national policy special grant system.” This measure was taken in response to teachers requesting a reduction in administrative work during the second conversation between Deputy Prime Minister Lee and field teachers on the 22nd. The Ministry of Education’s national policy special grant project is a government-level education policy project carried out in schools, such as support for building a full-day care system and digital education innovation project. The Ministry of Education calculated that as of last year, schools were operating an average of 4.8 national policy special grant projects, and many were operating up to 13 projects. This is the background to the criticism that the planning, budget application, publicity, and settlement accompanying these policy projects are left to teachers, resulting in excessive administrative work in addition to coursework. Accordingly, the Ministry of Education plans to reduce the number of projects and encourage city and provincial offices of education to operate projects instead of individual schools. An official from the Ministry of Education said, “We will reduce school-level projects so that front-line teachers can escape the administrative burden of budget applications, basic plans, and settlement, and adjust necessary projects so that they can be operated by metropolitan/provincial offices of education and education support offices.” explained. In addition, the Ministry of Education will also reorganize various committees within schools. Within schools, there are various committees made up of teachers, parents, and local residents, such as the school management committee, school sports subcommittee, and school library committee, but the administrative burden of appointing and operating members often falls on teachers. The Ministry of Education said, “We will investigate and analyze committees within schools and reorganize committees with low operational needs by merging or abolishing them.” In addition, in relation to the ‘Notice on Teachers’ Student Life Guidance’ (notice) that went into effect on the 1st, the Ministry of Education intends to include the administrative and financial support necessary for the separation of students who disrupt classes in the commentary on the student life guidance notice to be announced soon. also revealed. Teachers have continued to argue that additional educational support and measures for separated students are needed after a notice was issued stating that students who disrupt class can be separated from the classroom. Reporter Park Go-eun [email protected]
2023-09-25 06:08:47
#Reduce #teachers #administrative #burden #class.. #Restructuring #school #projects #committees

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