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Major concerns among pregnant women in the Rijnmond region about a sick placenta in corona

After it was announced on Monday that at least thirteen children were stillborn due to a corona-infected placenta, Verloskundig Centrum Bergweg in Rotterdam was called flat by concerned women. Midwife Femke Karels hopes that women will now really be vaccinated against the corona virus. This is reported by RTV Rijnmond.

Now that it is known that corona can have major consequences for an unborn child, pregnant women are asking more questions about corona vaccination and a possible accelerated booster. Karels’ advice to pregnant women is to get the jab. Unvaccinated women get corona more often and can become more seriously ill from it.

Heart and lungs have to work harder

And that is not surprising, because the condition deteriorates considerably during pregnancy and the heart and lungs have to do more work. “Especially in the third trimester. So it’s just not that convenient to get Covid,” says Karels. Since the arrival of the Delta variant of the virus, women have been hit more often and harder. They increasingly ended up in intensive care and from a pregnancy of 28 weeks, women are often no longer able to use a ventilator on their stomach. Then the baby often has to be picked up and he or she will be faced with all kinds of risks due to premature birth.

By: National Care Guide

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