Home » World » Majka Jeżowska has a different name. It is known whether he will change them legally

Majka Jeżowska has a different name. It is known whether he will change them legally

Majka Jeżowska has been active on the Polish scene for several decades. Although many of us know her hits – such as “And I prefer my mama” or “From the morning I have a good mood” – not everyone knows that the singer has a different name in the documents. Jeżowska’s real name is Maria. The singer and “Dancing with the Stars” participant recently gave an interview to Pomponik, in which she talked about whether she has plans to legally change her real name to the one we all know her from.


Majka Jeżowska uses a different name. She confirmed the rumors about TVP pomponik.tv

Majka Jeżowska does not hide the fact that the name we all know her by is actually a nickname she has been using since childhood. In a conversation with Pomponik, she explained that she did not feel like Maria because, in her opinion, it was too serious a name.

“I am Maria. It’s not that I don’t like this name, I feel like Majka, not Maria. For me, Maria is a serious woman. And at school, at home I was already Majka, everyone called me that, my friends , friends and it stayed that way,” she explained to Pomponik.

Does the singer have plans to change her name in the documents? She admitted that she does not treat the matter as a priority and currently has other responsibilities on her mind, such as participation in “Dancing with the Stars”. “I don’t know if I will do it, I don’t have time, I’m dancing now,” she said.

If the singer decided to change her name at the office, it would not be a very complicated matter. A written application to the office with justification would be sufficient. In the case of the singer’s name, this would be a change to the name actually used. However, it would be necessary to replace all documents, which complicates the situation.

It is worth adding that Jeżowska’s name “Maria” comes from her grandmother. However, Jeżowska’s father’s mother has a sad life story, which influenced the singer’s attitude to this name. “My dad and his mom, i.e. my grandmother, after whom I am named, were sent to Kazahstan,” the artist said in the “Golden Stage” podcast.

“I am Maria, named after my grandmother. When I came to the cemetery and saw this plaque with the inscription Maria Jeżowska, I felt very bad. It was uncomfortable. I am Maria Marysia, but I don’t feel like Marysia. That’s the problem. I am and feel like Majka.” – she said.

In the same podcast, she humorously said that she could call herself whatever she liked and no one would mind. “My father and his mother Maria, after whom I am named. I am constantly reminded of them. People say: ‘But you are Maria’. So what? I can be Maria, Zofia, Rozalia. I can even change my name, “Please, ladies and gentlemen, if I want,” she said.

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