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Maintaining Good Health and Posture While Driving or Sitting for Long Periods


Driving or sitting in a car for a long time Whether it’s a traffic jam or traveling back to the capital during this long holiday All cause negative effects on mood and health. There are many diseases that come with sitting for a long time, besides the subject of body aches. Sore muscles, motion sickness, stress, clogged veins and herniated discs How to adjust your sitting position drive without disease or cause negative effects on health It starts with behavior modification. exercise and eating

When having to sit in the car for a long time or drive for a long time Body pains would immediately ask each other. How has ‘Krungthep Turakij’ gathered techniques for long rides or long rides? do not cause any negative effects on health And must watch out for symptoms caused by sitting in the same position for many hours without moving What diseases can be at risk?

The first symptom that everyone will have if sitting in a car or sitting for a long time is ‘body aches’. Just having to drive to work in the morning or in the evening after work can cause aches and pains. Having to sit in the same position for hours without moving at all. therefore causing pain and aches easily

We can deal with fatigue from long car rides by adjusting the seat to fit our body. Stretch your legs and massage your muscles during traffic jams. Or stop for a while on the way, it will help relieve the pain.

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Symptoms – diseases that can occur if driving – sitting for a long time

sore throat

Sore throat causes pain and stiffness in the neck. It tends to happen to people who sit for long periods of time, such as sitting in an office or driving long distances. In addition, having to do such activities for a long time can have a negative effect on other organs in the body, such as the shoulders, back, hips and hips. Therefore, if you have to drive or sit in the same position for a long time, don’t forget to find time to rest or park your car to stretch.

Motion sickness can always happen whether it’s a short or long journey. It can also occur with other forms of travel such as seasickness or seasickness. If anyone knows that they have car sickness, they should take car sickness medicine 30 minutes before traveling. Or open the window to let the air flow, it can help as well.


Living on the road through traffic jams during the festive season is stressful. Due to the volume of cars that are higher than normal during the festival and the fatigue from having to concentrate on driving, importantly, when stressed, it will cause poor physical and mental health as well. so as not to cause stress on the way We should get enough rest. Prepare necessary supplies and medicines in the car in case of an emergency. So that you won’t be stressed while traveling.

Sitting too long… causes back pain

herniated disc

Sitting for a long time can cause pain, stiffness in the back. which is a slight symptom like this If allowed to happen regularly without changing behavior or finding a solution. May lead to big problems like herniated disc disease Traveling by car during a long holiday takes a long time to reach the destination. Will park and stop for a break, the pump is full. Therefore, you should spend time while in traffic to exercise the muscles of the arms, legs, neck so that the muscles can move and relieve tension.

venous thromboembolism

Deep vein thrombosis is more likely to occur in people who have to sit still for a long time, such as sitting in a car. take a plane Or sitting in the office is considered a risk as well. In which this condition can be severe and life-threatening, so having to sit in a car or sit for a long time Should move and change some posture, otherwise the condition of the veins may ask for it.

Therefore, the ‘sitting posture’ is the posture that is subjected to the most pressure in the spinal cavity. Sitting for a long time can contribute to back pain. but mostly muscle pain Because sitting for a long time causing the muscles to contract and not relax

As a general rule, it is recommended that you should not sit for more than 30 minutes consecutively. You should get up and change your posture. change some gestures That’s a big problem for young office workers. who were all sitting next to the table for a long time Resulting in office syndrome as well

In addition to sitting for a long time Incorrect sitting posture, slouched back, shoulders hunched over the computer Like this, just back pain is not enough. Symptoms can also spread to your neck, shoulders, hips, and legs.

What is the correct sitting posture?

Correct sitting is

Sit comfortably with your back straight, back pressed against the back of the chair, torso upright, legs perpendicular to the floor. Put your weight on both feet. not leaning forward to look down at the computer screen Your eyes are level with the computer screen. arm to use keyboard Keep your elbows in line with your body, keeping your wrists and elbows in a straight line, forming a 90-degree angle with your shoulders. This can help reduce back pain, shoulder pain, neck pain.

Remedy for driving too long..then body aches and back pain

Driving must be in a sitting position, which, as I said, is already subjected to high pressure on the back. Also not sitting comfortably like any other kind of sitting Because driving requires a lot of concentration to control things around the body, causing more pressure. It can cause muscle fatigue, back pain, arms and legs, and if a person has other factors involved, such as a lot of body weight. Or already have spinal disease, this can cause more back pain.

Correct driving posture

Your knees must be slightly higher than your hips. The seat should be at the right distance from the steering wheel, not too far or too close. so that we can control the steering wheel effectively Legs can step on the pedal with a reasonable weight. The sitting position in which the pressure in the spinal column is less is Lean back about 20 degrees, and the back should have Back Support, but it depends on the body of each person as well, how much it should be reclined to be appropriate. Some people like to think that a semi-reclining position is comfortable, but in fact it adds pressure to the lumbar. Add fatigue to the back And a semi-lying position may cause you to fall asleep at the wheel.

“Too long sitting or driving Plus, poor posture may not be the direct cause, but it can also result in back pain. Therefore, behavior should be changed. use it correctly If left for a long time from back pain from normal muscles May cause spinal problems, it is possible. Or anyone who already has back pain should avoid behaviors that will cause more back pain.”

Seat adjustment in 9 easy steps

1. Sit with your back, hips and thighs as close to the seat as possible.

in order for the cushion to embrace the pool of the body as much as possible

2. Adjust the seat distance

The optimum distance is where your knees are slightly bent when you apply the brakes all the way, unless you put the brakes on. or fully accelerating It also helps reduce injuries in the event of a collision with the car ahead.

3. Adjust the height of the seat.

to get good visibility visible around the car and can clearly see each part of the mirror

4. Adjust the seat cushion slightly upward.

to be able to step on the accelerator or easier to brake and allow the seat cushion to support the thighs better

5. Adjust the backrest

Lean about 110 degrees to create a reasonable distance from the steering wheel. This will make it easier to control the car.

6. Adjust the headrest cushion.

to match the height of the driver’s head and the distance between the head and The head cushion should be about 2 centimeters.

7. Hold the steering wheel at the 3 and 9 o’clock positions.

because it is a position close to the shoulder Reduce shoulder pain And also makes it easy to turn the steering wheel, not slipping out of your hands

8. Adjust the steering wheel angle.

To be in the degree that when holding the steering wheel feels most comfortable don’t feel the need to reach out or shoulder stiffness

9. Adjust the distance of the steering wheel.

Before adjusting, try stretching your arms to rest on the steering wheel. If the wrist is not on the steering wheel Adjust the distance of the steering wheel to match the length of our wrists. with the body still attached to the seat when adjusting the correct distance Our arms are slightly bent as we hold the garland. which makes it easy to control

Behavior change before back pain

There are many types of back pain. Whether it’s pain along the spine, pain in the shoulders, lumbar, or lower back. Which is partly caused by incorrect behavior… Therefore, we have some practical advice. what to do to avoid back pain

1. Isometric Exercise

Is an exercise that is suitable for patients with back pain. by contracting any one muscle for a moment and then alternately releasing Without movement, such as pushing the wall, exerting pressure on objects or pulling out the chair we are sitting on This continuous exercise will help build muscle strength. Including preventing premature deterioration of the intervertebral discs

2. Sleep

Bring a pillow to support the legs. And when getting out of bed or getting out of bed, it should be done in the side lying position.

3. Food

Focus on foods high in calcium, such as milk, leafy green vegetables, small fish that can be eaten whole. Make sure you drink enough clean water, at least 6-8 glasses a day. The bad things should be avoided, such as smoking, drinking tea, coffee, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages.

4. Medicine

Patients should only take the drug under the prescription of a doctor! And if there is an abnormality or allergy to the drug Stop taking the drug immediately and see a doctor as soon as possible.

refer: Vejthani Hospital , Samitivej Hospital

2023-08-02 09:42:00

#Czech #Diseases #driving #sitting #long #time #dangerous #health

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