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Maintain the stamina of your body in the rainy season by consuming zinc, what are its functions?

Opened L Ekanaru Official writer

Maybe there are still many of you who don’t know what zinch is? Zinc is a micronutrient that has many functions in the body. However, our body cannot produce zinc on its own. Therefore, it is necessary to meet the zinc requirement by consuming foods rich in zinc content or by taking zinc supplements.

There have apparently been many studies that have shown zinc’s usefulness for the body, ranging from maintaining the immune system, maintaining healthy skin, digestion, wound healing.

The following are the zinc benefits you can get. If you consume zicnh according to your body’s needs:

1. Strengthens the immune system

One of the functions of zinc is to activate white blood cells, also known as T cell lymphocytes. These cells play a very important role in boosting the immune system.

Therefore, meeting the need for zinc increases the body’s immunity to fight and neutralize pathogens that enter the body, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. So, with this, you have reduced the risk of suffering from various diseases.

2. Reduce inflammation

In addition to boosting immunity, zinc can also relieve oxidative stress, so that inflammation in the body can subside. Finally, with this condition, you can reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases due to inflammation, such as heart disease, cancer, pneumonia, and age-related macular degeneration.

3. Accelerates wound healing

Zinc plays an important role in the production of collagen, which is a protein fiber that gives the skin strength and elastic texture. When collagen production in the body is at its peak, it can speed up wound healing.

This feature is what makes it often used as a staple ingredient for drug manufacturing in the treatment of burns, ulcers, and other wounds.

4. Supports the growth of children

In addition to the many benefits that adults get, it turns out that zinc also supports the growth and development of children, you know! One study states that getting enough zinc in babies can help them have an ideal height and weight.

Conversely, if the child does not take zinc, what happens is stunted growth and slows cognitive and motor skills in children.

Isn’t that enough the benefit of zinc? If you are not currently meeting your body’s need for zinc, it is not too late to start consuming zinc-rich foods or to start taking daily supplements that contain zinc.

Source: Alodokter.com

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