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Maintain Children’s Dental Health By Consuming the Right Food

JAKARTA Teeth are one of the important ectodermal organs in humans. Teeth are useful for helping to pronounce words clearly when speaking, support one’s appearance when smiling, and have an important role in the eating process.

In children, before growing permanent teeth will usually grow milk teeth. Milk teeth serve to guide the growth of permanent teeth. If the milk teeth fall out prematurely, the permanent teeth will grow but are not in place, resulting in an irregular position of the teeth or piled up with the others.
Therefore, both permanent teeth and milk teeth must be maintained in good health. Moreover, according to the results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018, 57.6% of Indonesian people have dental and oral problems. The incidence of cavities in early childhood is also very high, reaching 93% and only 7% of children are free from cavities.
There are many ways to maintain healthy teeth in children, one of which is through food consumption. There are several foods that are known to be good for dental health. What are they? The following are good foods for teeth according to pediatrician RSIA Grand Family dr. Irene Melinda Louis, Sp.A.

Milk and its derivative products

Milk is the main source of calcium. Calcium itself is a mineral that plays an important role in the formation of hard tissue in teeth.

Therefore, consuming foods and drinks that contain calcium such as milk and its derivatives is very good for maintaining healthy teeth. In addition, calcium also protects and strengthens tooth enamel which helps fight cavities.

Protein rich foods

Protein-rich foods such as nuts, meat, fish and eggs are no less good for maintaining healthy teeth.

Foods with high protein contain lots of calcium, phosphorus, and vitamin D. Phosphorus is a mineral that is very good for teeth. Phosphorus works together with calcium to create hydroxyapatite, a major component of bone and tooth enamel.


Vegetables such as carrots and green leafy vegetables such as spinach and mustard greens, are rich in vitamin A. Vitamin A is one of the vitamins that is good for teeth and mouth. That’s because vitamin A can help maintain the flow of saliva or saliva which can naturally clean teeth from acids that can damage and create cavities and prevent dry mouth.

Vitamin A also helps keep the gums healthy so they are not susceptible to infection and disease.

Eggs and fish oil

The content of vitamin D contained in eggs and fish oil is very high so it is beneficial for dental health and the body as a whole. Without vitamin D, calcium cannot function according to its duties. That’s because vitamin D signals the gut to absorb calcium into the bloodstream.

Adequate vitamin D and calcium can make bones and teeth denser and stronger so they are not prone to fracture. Those are a number of foods that are good for dental health.

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