Fructose, corn syrup, etc. may lead to increased inflammation index, which will bring many harms to health. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
inflamedResponse is a way for the body to protect itself. When faced with bacteria, viruses, and diseases, the body will have an inflammatory response to fight against it. For example, after surgery, the body will use an inflammatory response to heal the tissue. But long-term chronic inflammation of the body is a disease.The body has some chronic inflammation and daily baddietHabits are closely related. Here are 5 kinds of “pro-inflammatory diets” to remind everyone to avoid them as much as possible.
5 “Pro-Inflammatory Diets”
1. Sweets
Sugar is a very common food additive. Many people love sweet foods, such as cakes, chocolates, candies, biscuits, bread, hand shakes and other sweet foods, or salty foods such as smoked marinade and soy sauce. Less sugar, but fructose, corn syrup, etc. may lead to increased inflammation index, which will bring many harms to health.
2. Processed meat
Bacon, ham, sausage, beef jerky, pork jerky, smoked lo mei and other processed meats are delicious, but they experience continuous high temperature during the conditioning process, which will cause the protein to lose its normal function, be difficult to be metabolized, and contain more “glycation end products”. product”. Long-term, large-scale consumption of processed meat can stimulate the cells of the large intestine, cause inflammation, and even lead to colorectal cancer, so do not eat too much.
3. Artificial trans fats
Artificial trans fats are very harmful to health. Many snacks contain “margarine, margarine, non-dairy creamer, vegetable cream, hydrogenated vegetable oil, cocoa butter substitute”, etc. These are usually synonymous with trans fat. For example, “Margarine” on toast is a kind of margarine, that is, “artificial trans fat”, which can easily cause inflammation in the whole body. In addition to reducing good cholesterol in the blood, it can also affect the function of arterial epithelial cells , easily lead to cardiovascular disease.
Common cakes, French fries, fried instant food, microwave popcorn, bagged biscuits, etc. may contain relatively high amounts of artificial trans fats. If the processed food is marked with “incompletely hydrogenated vegetable oil”, there will be artificial trans fats.
4. Refined carbohydrates
Refined carbohydrates, such as white noodles, white rice, etc., are easier to raise sugar, and can also increase certain inflammatory indexes in the body. (Image source: Adobe Stock)
High-fiber, unprocessed carbohydrates can bring energy and many vitamins and minerals to the body, but if we consume refined carbohydrates, such as white rice, white noodles, corn flakes, etc., it is easier to raise sugar, It also increases certain levels of inflammation in the body. Fiber can bring good bacteria, make the stomach feel fuller, and help control blood sugar, while eating refined starches with fiber removed can make the intestines more prone to inflammation.
5. Excessive drinking
Drinking alcohol can damage the body. Excessive drinking will cause bacterial toxins to move out of the large intestine and enter the body circulation. Some people call this “leaky gut” symptoms, which will cause more inflammatory reactions in the body and damage organs. Many people think that drinking alcohol can make people relax, but for the sake of health, it is still necessary to control it, it is best not to drink.
Dietary principles for “anti-inflammation” for the body
1. The Anti-Inflammatory Food Pyramid
Dr. Andrew Weil, a professor of medicine at the University of Arizona, proposed a famous “anti-inflammatory food pyramid theory”:
(1) Eat enough fruits and vegetables, especially dark fruits and vegetables
Eat enough fruits and vegetables every day, especially dark fruits and vegetables contain more anthocyanins, vitamin C, carotene, lycopene, etc., which are beneficial to reduce inflammation. For example, oranges, blueberries, broccoli, tomatoes, carrots, etc. are good.
(2) Pair with whole grains
Sweet potatoes, millet, oats and other whole grains are rich in dietary fiber and resistant starch, which can help relieve postprandial blood sugar, help control inflammation, and can also be fermented in the intestine to produce short-chain fatty acids to improve intestinal flora and fight inflammation There are benefits.
(3) Choose the right cooking oil and often eat deep-sea fish
The degradation products of omega-6 fatty acids can lead to inflammation, while omega-3 fatty acids help to fight inflammation. It is recommended to eat more edible oils rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as olive oil, linseed oil, and canola oil, as well as deep-sea fish such as saury, salmon, and sardines. The tea polyphenols contained in tea also have certain anti-inflammatory effects and can be drunk appropriately.
2. Eat only 80% full for each meal
Studies have shown that eating “eight percent full” at each meal can delay cell aging and help reduce body inflammation.
Editor in charge: Xiaoqing
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