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Maintain a Balanced Nutritional Intake of Food

JAKARTA – Chairman of PB IDI, doctor Daeng M Faqih reminded people to maintain a balance of nutritional intake in the food they eat. Including during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Don’t store too many instant noodles, buy fast food, fried food. Pay attention to nutritional balance. Don’t look at the practicalities, consider the nutritional value, the balance of macronutrients and micronutrients. Including those that help absorption in the digestive tract, “said Daeng in Jakarta, Saturday (27/3).

He said the importance of maintaining nutritional intake. One of them is to maintain the health of the digestive tract and endurance, especially children.

Research shows, the immune system is closely related to the digestive tract. This can happen because a good digestive tract allows the absorption of nutrients in the body to be done properly. In the end, it makes the body’s immune system better.

Healthy body and mind, plus adherence to precautions. Such as washing hands, wearing masks, and maintaining distance in daily interactions, will make children more ready to ward off COVID-19 attacks.

“The immune system of children is closely related to daily nutrition and family care patterns. Of course, family health is also inseparable from the role of doctors in providing education and health services to families. Including for children, ”explained Daeng.(rh / fin)

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