Home » today » Entertainment » Mainland | Ali Amiri from SuperStar 2005 after almost 20 years! Even at 44, he’s handsome, he has a little sister, he only sings at home

Mainland | Ali Amiri from SuperStar 2005 after almost 20 years! Even at 44, he’s handsome, he has a little sister, he only sings at home

He was twenty-five when he learned that the Czech Republic is looking for a SuperStar tournament. A handsome young man with an unusual appearance and an angelic voice signed and won not only the jury, but especially the audience with his performances. He was not nicknamed “Prince of Persia” for nothing.

His performance got him all the way to the last ten and though he won Vlastimil Horváth and Ali Amiri finished in a beautiful fifth place, will be one of the most prominent faces in the second season of SuperStar. Where did this handsome man come from and what is he doing today?

VIDEO: Watch Ali Amiri perform at SuperStar 2005.

Source: Youtube

Ali Amiri was born in 1980 Tehran, Iran. He has an older brother and two sisters. From Iran, the family moved to Kuwait, where his father had a furniture business. However, because of the war, they returned to Tehran. Today, it is said that his family lives alternately in the two countries.

Prince of Persia

He says of himself that he is not an Arab, but a Persian. Although he is a Muslim, he has never been a radical. As he told Czech Radio: “I’m open to religion and I talked a lot about it in my student years, but I’m still not clear. I am a spiritual person and I do not think that we are in the world for nothing. Here I don’t feel the pressure of what to believe and what not to believe. And one wife is enough for me, I don’t even have more time.”

Her way to Superstar

Even as a little boy he liked to sing, he taught himself to play the guitar. In several interviews, he revealed that he made his own music own poems. In addition, he performed in amateur theater and modeled (not that this would surprise anyone). But he also had another wish – to be a doctor. At the same time, he was said to be afraid of doctors as a child.

He fulfilled his dream of medicine

When he was seventeen, he decided to apply to medical school. But almost on the other side of the world. He applied to study medicine in the Czech Republic. He said it was not easy, the Czech language was difficult for him.

The first word he learned was “hello”. He learned the language while traveling, watching TV and reading children’s books. He completed his medical studies in 2006ie at a time when it was still popular after SuperStar.

The Singing Doctor

In fact, after SuperStar ended, he did a lot of socializing, played, and even thought about quitting medicine for a while. “Fortunately, I realized very quickly that I wanted to heal people and I couldn’t stop it by doing more concerts and being involved in the media. I need my peace and my space,” he told Czech Radio.

Music and series

After SuperStar released an album, he appeared in the musical Angelika, where he played the Prince of Persia. “Sympathizing with other people, rehearsals, concerts, all that gave me a lot, but it also took away from me. I did it after work. Every day I went straight to the theater from Bulovka,” he remembers. He had to make a decision – medicine or show business. He chose medicine.

In 2014, he appeared in the series Weddings in Venice and it was this again. He said he didn’t expect it. As he told Novinky.cz: “At the time, I was working at Na Bulovce hospital, and it didn’t feel good when I walked through the corridor and saw patients reading newspapers in which I was photographed. That’s too much, I thought to myself at the time. At that time, I was also turning down invitations to social events.”

He is already at home in Prague

After certification in the field of dermatovenerology, he went back to Dubai for a short time and then to Kuwait, and finally to Iran. “There I set up a medical clinic that still operates today, just under different management. The collection I put together dealt with things I was no longer used to. I guess I already had too much of a European mentality,” he told Novinky. So he decided to return to the Czech Republic, where he established a clinic focusing on aesthetic and corrective dermatology.

Secret marriage and child

Just a few years ago, he said there was no time to raise and start a family. But Ali Amiri is a mysterious person. For a long time, he managed to hide a long-term relationship, even the birth of a daughter. But three years ago, at an event in the Broadway Theatre, he revealed who the love of his life is.

“But now we have a little girl, our first child together. Her name is Lily.’ His partner is a nurse, even from his clinic. And seven years ago, there was also a secret wedding in Turkey.

Music as entertainment

But he didn’t turn the music down completely. He still finds time for her. He revealed to Czech Radio that he has a guitar everywhere, not only at home, but also at the clinic. “When I have a moment, I train. It’s nice to be in front of an audience and to share that moment, but I don’t need it, I like to sing by myself.”

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Source: Vlasta.cz, tn.nova.cz, blesk.cz, strednicechy.rozhlas.cz, new.cz

2024-08-06 05:08:16

#Mainland #Ali #Amiri #SuperStar #years #hes #handsome #sister #sings #home

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