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MainArbeit: Municipal Job Center Offenbach supports you in the search for an apprenticeship

(Symbol photo: Martin Polo on Pixabay)

Many students who have finished school face the great challenge of making a professional decision. Here, training providers help with counseling sessions where they develop individual professional goals with the young people. They seek internships, process application documents, mediate in training positions and specifically target suitable employers. The internship service was able to place more than 200 people seeking training in 2021.

“The employment center now has further offers of support for all those who do not want or do not want to start an apprenticeship or study this summer. For example, the baccalaureate from lower secondary school can be earned or recovered later, “explains Director of Social Affairs Martin Wilhelm.

Machine Tool Operator – Dominic O. had no idea what that term was when he dropped out of school after grade eight without a college degree. Today he is at the workbench in the VTBO and. V., Offenbach’s association for technical vocational training, and carefully files a metal plate.

MainArbeit, Offenbach’s municipal employment center, allowed Dominic O. to recover his baccalaureate through a provision. Thus he was able to start an apprenticeship at VTBO eV and is now in the second year of his apprenticeship. “Thanks to MainArbeit I have been able to obtain a recognized good education that I normally would never have received with my baccalaureate. Now that I am a father, I know even more how important education is for the future.”

Professional skills can be expanded, as can German language skills. In addition, for some there are also long-term internships with access to vocational school or work in the social year of volunteering (FSJ). The internship also transmits it. The contact persons are Judith Becker, telephone number 069 / 8065-8436, and Gabriele Lieb, telephone number 069 / 8065-8483. They can be reached by email at [email protected].

For Dominic O. it was worth it: “Now I am independent from employment center payments, I earn my money in training.” The employment center continues to support him with accompanying lessons and advice tailored to the needs of an intern. “It is important that young people are supported until they successfully complete their training and this usually leads to the hoped-for success,” says Martin Wilhelm.

(Text: PM City of Offenbach)

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