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Main Guard Families Child Protection and Early Marriage Prevention

Liputan6.com, Jakarta PPPA Deputy Minister for Child Development Lenny N. Rosalin, SE, MSc, Mfin said that 79.5 million Indonesian children are required to receive protection in the family. This protection includes the prevention of child marriage or early-age marriage.

“79.5 million children need to be protected first in the family because the family is the primary caregiver and the first caregiver,” said Lenny in the PPPA Ministry webinar on Monday (7/9/2020).

As stated in Law No. 23 of 2002, child protection is an activity to guarantee and protect children and their rights so that they can live, grow, develop and participate optimally in accordance with human dignity and protection from violence and discrimination.

Regarding parenting rights, Article 14 states that every child has the right to be cared for by their own parents. Unless there is a valid reason or legal rule indicating that the separation is in the best interest of the child and is the last consideration.

Article 26 states, parents have the obligation and responsibility to care for, nurture, educate and protect children. Develop according to their abilities, talents and interests.

“Preventing child marriage, as well as providing character education and inculcating moral values ​​in children.”

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