Drama continues to smolder, not fading for the case Main actress Bella Ranee was linked by netizens as the 4th heroine of the new high school Davika, Margie Rasri, Mint Chalida and Mew Nittha Mout Moi until it was the birthplace to be dug and explored. Recently, Bella’s fans came out to press four high school girls to come out and apologize to Bella. with hashtags and hashtags #ApologizeTobellacampen
latest ferryMai Davika have movement Via Twitter with a tweet that
Yesterday we were so happy that we met our lovely fans and lovely colleagues. red heart, touched)
In the midst of encouragement from fans who came to send comments to support many famous heroines
latest ferryMai Davika have movement Via Twitter with a tweet that
Yesterday we were so happy that we met our lovely fans and lovely colleagues. red heart, touched)
In the midst of encouragement from fans who came to send comments to support many famous heroines