Home » today » News » Mahmoud Abbas: I will go to Gaza, my life is not more valuable than the children – 2024-08-17 20:04:26

Mahmoud Abbas: I will go to Gaza, my life is not more valuable than the children – 2024-08-17 20:04:26

The president of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, who arrived yesterday, Wednesday, in Ankara, spoke at the extraordinary special session of the Plenary of the Turkish National Assembly. The Palestinian president said he would go to Gaza and then Jerusalem.

“There is no other solution before us. The best we can do today for the Palestinian people. We decided to go to Gaza along with all my brothers in the Palestinian leadership” said Mahmoud Abbas, without however specifying how and when he will go to Gaza.

At this point, he was applauded by the present members of the Turkish Parliament, but also by the Turkish president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was watching the speech from the gallery.

“We want to send a message to everyone that my life, our life, is not more valuable than the life of a small child in Gaza,” he said and added that “after Gaza, God willing, I will head to Jerusalem. I will go to our eternal capital”as he described it.

“Do your humanitarian duty”

From the floor of the Turkish National Assembly, the Palestinian president appealed to the international community, Arab and Islamic leaders and UN officials to do their humanitarian duty, “if our goal is peace and stability for all”and asked the Security Council and the UN to implement the 80 resolutions adopted to date on Palestine.

At another point in his speech Mahmoud Abbas also said that we follow the command of Islam: Either victors or martyrs… At this point he also received the warm applause of his audience.

The president of the Palestinian Authority claimed that the aim of the genocide carried out by Israel is to expel the Palestinians, but no matter what they do, he said, that will never happen, “our people will expel the invaders at any cost.”

“The main purpose of Israel’s genocide in Gaza, the West Bank and Jerusalem is to uproot the Palestinian presence from our homeland and displace the Palestinians once again. They want us to relive the same tragedy as in 1948 and 1967. No matter what they do, that will never happen. Our people are devoted to their land, their sanctuaries, their homeland and will expel the usurpers and conquerors from there at all costs” he stated.

“Since October 7, 40 thousand Palestinian women and children have lost their lives,” Mahmoud Abbas continued, stressing that there are an additional 10,000 missing and 80,000 injured. He also said that another 10,000 people have lost their lives in the West Bank, while at another point in his speech he stated that there are currently about 10,000 Palestinian men and women, prisoners of Israel, in prisons.

“We will not abandon our lands”

Nevertheless, the Palestinian president emphasized, “we will continue to stand firm and not abandon our lands, […] We have said it in the past and we will continue to say it tomorrow. Gaza is an integral part of the Palestinian State. There cannot be another state in Gaza and there cannot be a Palestinian state without Gaza.”.

He reiterated that the Palestinian people will not bend and surrender.

“We will rebuild Gaza. Even if over 70% of it is now destroyed, we will. We will do it to build our future independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital. Whatever the cost. No matter how high the price we will pay, we will do it” he emphasized.

Mahmoud Abbas thanked the “brotherly Turkish people” for their sincere feelings and dignified attitude towards the Palestinian people and, congratulating Turkey on its declaration of intervention in South Africa’s case against Israel at the International Court of Justice, added: “We recognize the leadership role of Turkey under the leadership of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. We congratulate him for his courageous and principled stance.”

At the same time, he also expressed his appreciation for the attitude of Egypt and Jordan, whose positions completely coincide with what the Palestinians support in all forums.

Worthy of special mention is the fact that during Mahmoud Abbas’s speech in front of the National Assembly, the portrait of the assassinated leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniya, surrounded by red carnations, dominated.

All the Turkish parliamentarians, as well as the invited guests (members of the diplomatic corps, journalists, officials, etc.) were given special headscarves, reminiscent of the traditional Palestinian headscarf and bearing the Turkish and Palestinian flags as well as the emblem. of the Turkish National Assembly.


#Mahmoud #Abbas #Gaza #life #valuable #children

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