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Mahmoud Abbas: Gaza and the Future of Palestine

PalestineAutonomous Government Chairman Mahmoud Abbas said today that the Palestinian Autonomous Government can governGaza corridorwill work on a comprehensive political solution that also covers the occupied West Bank.

Reuters reported,IsraelA ground operation launched about two weeks ago to destroy the Islamist group “Hamas” (Hamas), now that the Israeli army has penetrated deep into the Gaza Strip, people from all walks of life are speculating on what the future of Gaza will look like after this battle is over.

The United States has said Gaza should be governed by Palestinians after the Israel-Kazakhstan war ends, but how that will work in practice remains unknown.

Abbas said he held Israel fully responsible for the events in Gaza.

Hamas gunmen launched a cross-border raid on Israel from Gaza on October 7, and Israel subsequently launched air and ground attacks on Gaza. Palestinian health authorities say more than 11,000 people have been killed in weeks of bombing in Gaza. Israel today revised down the death toll from Hamas raids to about 1,200 from 1,400.

Abbas said Palestinian self-government could be part of a broader political solution to the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

“Gaza is an integral part of the Palestinian state and we will assume all responsibilities within the framework of a comprehensive political solution that includes the West Bank, East Jerusalem and Gaza,” he said.

Since the last round of U.S.-brokered peace talks reached a deadlock in 2014, the pursuit of an agreement on a “two-state solution” has stalled Palestinian efforts to establish an independent state for nearly 10 years. Although the United States and other countries continue to call for a two-state solution, there are no clear signs of restarting the peace process.

Abbas said an international peace conference should be held to hammer out a precise timetable backed by international guarantees.

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2023-11-11 04:40:06

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