“Short Legs, Neck Song” This week, let’s meet with the best of Thai youth. “Preme” Jinna Waiyawattana Grade 6, Mahidol Wittayanusorn School that presents the results of scientific experiments on the International Space Station until grabbing International Winner, Kibo-ABC Award able to win
by such items National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) Supported Thai youths to participate in the competition to present the results of scientific experiments aboard the International Space Station under Asian Try Zero-G 2022 Program that together with Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency or JAXA (JAXA) There are young people from Japan, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan and Thailand participating in the competition. Which Jazza will select trial proposals from 5 countries, amounting to 6 cases or more, to actually try in Kibo Laboratory Module on the International Space Station The works of Thai youth were selected for 2 stories: an experiment on Study of the behavior of spherical water cubes when subjected to force in low gravity conditions. of “Preme” and subject experiments Study of rising water levels due to the tensile force of container surfaces under low gravity conditions. of Ms. Intiraporn Chaodee Graduate from Faculty of Pharmacy Thammasat University
“Preme” said After the selected proposal was actually tested on the International Space Station. Must prepare a summary of results and prepare slides to present to Jazza. which studies find a lot more information Because the experimental results are both hypothetical and different. and in some areas requires more in-depth knowledge of materials science and fluid science. It takes trial and error. Research research or find a physics book to read. Until we found the right principle to explain our experiment. They also sent an email to consult a physics teacher at the school. In which the professor gave advice on how to search for additional information.

“During the actual presentation, I was very excited. After the presentation was completed, the judges had suggestions. And there was a question about applying the experimental results. I’m very glad that the directors are interested. But when answering questions, he also sweated. When JAXA announced that it won the Kibo-ABC Award, I was amazed that the judges evaluated our work as interesting.” “Preme” said and also said that to participate in this project make new knowledge found I learned techniques for presenting the work of other groups of friends, most importantly, friends from different countries. Very interested and enthusiastic about space. It inspires and drives us to develop ourselves and learn to answer questions in the future.
Followed to prove the excellence of the scientific experiments on the International Space Station. “Studying the behavior of spherical water cubes when subjected to force in low gravity conditions” by “Preme” at NSTDA Space Education Facebook page.