Home » today » News » Mahfud Md Calls for Religious Tolerance and Harmony at 2023 Christmas Eve Mass in Jakarta

Mahfud Md Calls for Religious Tolerance and Harmony at 2023 Christmas Eve Mass in Jakarta


Vice Presidential Candidate number 3 who is also the Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, Mahfud Md calling people who think foolishly or mischievously not having the right religion. Because, according to him, all religions teach goodness.

This was conveyed by Mahfud in his speech during the 2023 Christmas Eve mass at the Cathedral Church, Central Jakarta. He said that people who commit acts of violence do not have the right religion.

“Because all religions definitely teach kindness and brotherhood. If you are a person who acts in the name of religion but thinks foolishly, and moreover commits acts of violence, of course those who act like that will definitely not be religious properly. They will definitely violate the teachings of their religion,” said Mahfud at the Cathedral Church, Jakarta. Center.

He said, as a Pancasila country, Indonesian people have belief in the existence of God according to the religion they follow. According to him, whatever religion he adheres to, he gives good religious teachings.

“Because we in this Pancasila country certainly believe that if followers of any religion, whatever religion they adhere to, carry out their religious teachings well, then the whole community will be good,” he said.

Furthermore, he added, Indonesia has various religions. He hopes that the atmosphere of inter-religious life in Indonesia can improve.

“And of course we hope that the atmosphere of life between religious communities in Indonesia will get better and better,” he concluded.

(one by one)

2023-12-24 15:36:00

#Mahfud #People #stupidly #dont #religion

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