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Magnifying glass. The cycling club wants new blood

Claude Thomas, president of the La Loupe cycling club surrounded by the office of the Departmental Committee. © Republican Action editorial team

The circle of cycle tourism of La Loupe (Eure-et-Loir) met in general assembly this month of December 2022, at the town hall. Explanations.

A slight increase in staff

Claude Thomas, its president since 2014, drafted the with of the past season.

“Our club has a slightly increased number of 34 members this year, two more than last year”, appreciated in the presence of about twenty members, Marc Girardot, elected head of associations and Didier Poulain, vice president of the department Cycling Committee.

The 53rd lap of the Eure-et-Loir

In 2022, the Loupéen club hosted a stage of the 53rd Eure-et-Loir cycling tour, organized from 10 to 12 June under the leadership of the Departmental Council and the Leisure Evasion Bike and Sports Association.

Some of its members have participated as signalmen. A week later, the club received 34 participants from the Tour d’Eure-et-Loir du Codep 28.

Lots of events

A club appreciated by Pierre Boustière, elected in charge of sports in La Loupe “for its sportsmanship and its visibility outside the city” in particular during departmental outings and trips made by its members to Saumur (Maine-et-Loire) and Loudéac ( Cotes-d’Armor).

On on foot the annual “Aux Portes du Perche” brought together 73 participants on August 28th.

Video: currently on Actu

Best Commitment…

“We want to find a best turnout in 2023 “remembers the president.

He thanks Alain Gasnier, secretary and manager of the Sunday circuits, and the municipality for the subsidy.

And the office?

Au office, Monique Peneau, treasurer for five years, does not represent herself and gives way to Didier Bouvier, assisted by Jean-Paul Sauvage, her deputy. The rest of the office is unchanged with Claude Thomas (president), Jean-Michel Gateau, vice president, Alain Gasnier, secretary, and Monique Peneau, member.

The president wishes To replace in his position in the years to come…

I want to stay this year. But you have to think of someone… There comes a time when you need new blood.

Claudius Thomas

Projects for Codep 28

Departmental youth outings are planned in Eure et Loir and Loiret, various partnerships with the Departmental Council for road reconnaissance (Véloscénie and the Loire by bike) with one or two outings for women, first aid courses and clubs.

Codep 28 brings together almost 680 licensees.

The club regularly organizes group bike rides on Wednesdays and Sundays, starting from La Loupe. More information on http://stadeloupeencyclotourisme.over-blog.com or on tel. :

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