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Magnesium drops for people over fifty – HP/De Tijd

Of course you don’t feel old yet. Fifty is the new forty and the number of people in their eighties running marathons is increasing. Mayors who congratulate centenarians now have a day job.

They are all signs that we are on course for eternal life. But meanwhile, the age at which we can manage without pharmacological and clinical support is not increasing. We are getting older, but not healthier.

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Maintaining and maintaining the magnesium level in your body is a tool to extend the healthy years of life. Magnesium drops are ideal for this, because they play a role in the natural cell division process.

Would Methuselah have used magnesium drops?

The age of Methuselah is proverbial. Methuselah belongs to the so-called patriarchs, including Adam and Noah. According to the Old Testament, Methuselah would have been 969 years old, making him the oldest patriarch.

In modern times we also have so-called ‘super old people’, but no one has ever become older than 122 years.

These super elderly are invariably asked what their ‘secret’ is. To my knowledge, (extra) magnesium or magnesium drops have never been mentioned. Yet, combined with good genes, this could well be a secret to getting old.

Magnesium requirement remains, but absorption decreases

Italian professor Mario Barbagallo studied the magnesium status in aging people. As he expected, it decreased with age. The increase in the acidity of the body is the reason for this. As a result, the body is less able to extract magnesium from food in an efficient way. This in turn leads to so-called ‘metabolic failure’ and cell shriveling.

What Barbagallo also found during his research was that the magnesium status of people over 80 increased again. Apparently, the elderly in this study were better able to absorb magnesium. Not only a question of good genes and a well-functioning metabolism, but also of a healthy diet in which sufficient magnesium is present.

Magnesium supplementation is sensible

If you don’t want to rely solely on your good genes and realize that magnesium absorption becomes more difficult as we get older, taking extra magnesium is a good decision. Magnesium drops are an easy choice for this, because they can easily be mixed with other foods. It can be used in a hot meal, but also in a nice cup of coffee. Magnesium is not a common mineral in our daily diet, although the body needs it. So make it easy on yourself by supplementing magnesium drops.

Natural supplement with magnesium drops

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the elderly are a risk group when it comes to a possible magnesium deficiency† In old age, the body struggles with a declining absorption capacity as a result of stress, medication use and other lifestyle factors. The excess of calcium in our diet does not help either.

However, this is not the case for everyone, as Barbagallo’s research showed. Although a small luck factor is hidden in the genes here, there is certainly a part that we can influence. A healthy diet contributes positively in any case. Supplementing your diet with magnesium drops is of added value for several reasons. For example, magnesium contributes to the maintenance of normal bones and a normal energy-yielding metabolism.

Supplement magnesium drops as needed

Met Zechsal magnesium drops You can add magnesium to your food or drink as needed. The pure drops ensure that you get extra of this essential mineral in a natural way. It is important to continue to do this regularly, because the body cannot store or buffer the mineral. In other words, gradual feeding works best. It won’t make you younger, but it will age less quickly.

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