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Magelang City Wears Dengue Fever Outbreak Status

MAGELANG, Suaramerdeka-kedu.com – Public health Office Magelang City state Magelang City status of KLB (Extraordinary Event) cases of dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). This happened after the emergence of dengue fever which resulted in the victim’s death.

Head of Health Office Magelang CityIntan Suryahati said that in 2021 there were 23 cases of dengue fever. One patient died, so the status of Magelang City rose to KLB.

“The areas that enter the KLB are areas that previously had no cases of death, but after that there were deaths, the area was declared KLB,” he said on the sidelines of a coordination meeting with Health Cadres around the world.Magelang City at the Service Hall, Tuesday (28/12).

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He explained that DHF is a viral infectious disease caused by the dengue virus. Usually has characteristics such as high fever, red spots on the skin, to convulsions.

The cause of dengue, he continued, is the Aedes aegypti virus which is present in mosquito. The mosquitoes that usually bite humans are mosquito who are adults and mosquito which causes the size of DHF tends to be smaller than the size of the mosquito usually.

“This Aedes aegypti mosquito prefers to suck human blood, and that usually is mosquito female. Human blood is used to breed the eggs,” he explained.

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“It usually takes 4 days to hatch and mosquito can still suck blood repeatedly. However, if mosquito males prefer to suck plant juices.”

Intan calls fogging efforts ineffective for eradicating mosquito. Because mosquito only weak and then can live again and even resistant to insecticides. The effective way is to clean the nest mosquito directly.

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