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Magazine, posters, walks… What activities with the tourist office of Montluçon (Allier) this summer?

“We are trying to find original ideasto innovate”, presents Julie Besançon, guide lecturer at the tourist office of the valley in the heart of France.

With this in mind, Loëtitia Raynaud, president of the office, carried out the project of a magazine. “Montluçon Découvertes is more than a tourist brochure. This mag offers real reports. »

A first edition of 10,000 copies is distributed free of charge, from today, at the tourist office or even at the Château Saint-Jean, whose chef Olivier Valade occupies five interview pages.

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100% Bourbonnaise creations

From the visuals, produced in particular by Philippe Busser, a professional at Montvicq, to ​​the editing, carried out by Typocentre, the president affirms: ” everything is Bourbonnais ! »

Among the novelties of the vintage, the tourist office will offer from next week seven postcards and five posters whose visuals were designed and created by Arnaud Bonnet.

premium With his visual creations, Arnaud Bonnet wants to give a new image to Montluçon (Allier)

The young graphic designer bet on evocative places. Tourists and locals can, for 2 or 10 euros, afford a visual of the Berry canal or the Wilson garden.Arnaud Bonnet’s postcards will be on sale at the tourist office next week, at a price of 2 euros. © Delphine Simonneau

“We want to adapt to demand. We got a lot of feedback on Arnaud Bonnet’s work. People were really waiting for his graphics, ”says Anouck Marce, communication officer for the office.

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