The officers apparently had the same idea of a good hiding place as Denaro’s sister, because when they opened a hollow tubular chair leg to place a device there, they found a note there. What was written on it was an incomprehensible jumble of words. They photographed the note and posted it back.
All this becomes clear now that the indictment has officially been made public since today and quote various international media from it.
The researchers do not say how they deciphered the message, but it apparently soon became clear that it had to be a ‘pizzino’. Denaro, who was probably still the top boss of the Cosa Nostra all those years he was a fugitive, was known for communicating with notes.
The message could be deciphered, or at least in part: It said something about a man suffering from colon cancer. After it was clear that no one else in the family was suffering from this, it was suspected that the big boss himself might be suffering from this.
The investigators do not disclose all intermediate steps in the indictment, but it is clear that Denaro was arrested in January in a private clinic where he was being treated under an assumed name.