Home » today » Entertainment » Maffashion about the beauty problem after pregnancy. Every mother knows him. “It started in the third-fourth month after Bask was born”

Maffashion about the beauty problem after pregnancy. Every mother knows him. “It started in the third-fourth month after Bask was born”

Maffashion she has been Bastian’s mom for over eight months. On Instagram, he adds photos with his son from time to time. Recently, she shared with fans a problem that many mothers face after childbirth – it is about falling out hair.

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Maffashion talks about hair loss after childbirth. How does he deal with it?

Julia Kuczyńska referred to fans’ questions. She admitted that she received many messages asking about the condition of her hair a few months after giving birth. At InstaStories she showed what hers look like today hair.

Hair usually falls out only after birth – it cannot be stopped. Of course, I read about ladies who did not notice any increased hair loss. Lucky. Jealousy! – Maffashion wrote on Instagram.

Influencer advises you to strengthen the strands with scalp preparations and to take care of yourself from the inside by taking vitamins. However, it states that not everything can be used during breastfeeding and advises caution.

It seems to me, however, that we are dealing here with a very individual matter and it is best to report to a trichologist, for example. So, as always – a doctor, a doctor – wrote Maffashion.

She also added what it was like for her and what she does to stop the hair loss process.

My hair began to fall out terribly profusely in the third-fourth month after the birth of Bastek. Now they grow back like crazy. The fall has stopped. I spray my scalp with pharmaceutical preparations a few times a week. I swallow (quite systematically) vitamins, etc. That’s it. The rest is biology – the blogger told about herself.

She also admitted that she stopped dyeing her hair blonde due to the so-called regrowth. baby hair. Currently it has a natural regrowth.

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I have natural hair at the roots, because the hairdresser simply has no way of “catching” those short hairs. But it’s loose, the hair strengthens, rests – she added.

We understand the problem perfectly.

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