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Maeva Martinez: This secret project that she has been pushing back for more than two years!

After going through a long period of postpartum depression, it looks like Maeva Martinez has recovered. And she seems determined to carry out a project, which she has been keeping a secret for almost two years now. Last night, she said on Snapchat: “Something I never said at all… It’s that I’ve been on my brand for two years… Sportswear in particular. And here is the creation of my brand. And I admit to you that each time events happened which made me have to shift and shift the release of my brand. And I didn’t expect there to be so much work behind it either, so I’m really delaying. ”

Maeva Martinez: “I did not imagine that there would be so much work behind”

This is not the only confidence made by the pretty Maeva Martinez last night on social media. Indeed, in the rest of his story, the mother of little Gabriel spoke of her weight loss, impressive since the birth of her son a few months ago. She continued in the rest of her Snapchat story: “There are questions, it’s super redundant, to know whether or not I had regained my weight before. So I just weigh myself, I’ll show you. Now I have lost a little more than the weight before. Just before I was 55, 56 kilos. But I did a lot, a lot of sport. By cons when I started with Julien, post breakup ex, there I was 52, 53 kilos. So there I went down to this point. ”

After explaining that it was rare for her to be so thin, Maeva added as a caption to her story: “You have to know that when I’m under stress, I eat smaller portions. But since I easily get deficiencies, I have to be careful to eat healthy. “ That is clear ! Remember that it is important to eat a balanced diet at each meal, in order to stay healthy!

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