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Maersk to Resume Shipping in Red Sea and Gulf of Aden Amid US-Led Security Operation


NOS Nieuws•vandaag, 08:03

The Danish shipping company Maersk plans to sail the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden again. The shipping company, one of the largest in the world, is preparing to resume shipping on that route as the US leads a multinational security operation in the area.

At the beginning of this month, several shipping companies stopped sailing through the Suez Canal further north because Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked ships with drones and helicopters. Several ships were hijacked for some time or suffered damage.

The Houthis called their actions a show of support for the Palestinians and said they would only target ships with ties to Israel. According to the US, the action was supported behind the scenes by Iran.

That country denies it. A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs calls the accusations unfounded.

In the spring

Since the attacks, their ships have been capsized. They now have to travel along the entire African continent via the Cape of Good Hope. In addition to Maersk, other shipping companies, such as oil company BP, also stopped sailing across the Red Sea for fear of Houthi attacks.

Now that the United States is leading an international operation to protect trade in the Red Sea, Maersk sees an opportunity to have the ships sail the short route from both directions again. Maersk says it will soon provide more details about the exact routes that shipping traffic plans to take.

2023-12-25 07:03:24
#Shipping #company #Maersk #resume #sailing #Red #Sea

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