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Mae Aew: Last Person Chosen, Relationships, and Life Lessons – Zaab Talk Show Interview Highlights

Mae Aew was the last person. So what did the organizer think of?

Mae Aew: There was one story that Channel Noi Si had already been filming for 2 days. He called right away. Hello, can I play it, Mom? Thong Nuea Kao, you can play it, but let me tell you first that they have already filmed 2 scenes, and who did you replace them with? I want to know. Who did you replace them with? I don’t mind. Mom played them all, but I have to go talk. With those who play well, let them know why they came to take us. It’s not that we’re here to play. But that day was the 9th. He told mom tomorrow the 10th. Constitution Day Mom must wait. So what day do we shoot? Thursday. Our queue. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Okay, I’ll go clear that up. Mom has to wait, right? Waiting for him to clear things up. Channel Noisi replied that it was okay, that’s it. He was the last person he chose.

Is your mother hurt?

Mae Aew: It’s a little bit, why did you choose us? But I think that if we weren’t really good, they wouldn’t choose us. But I’m afraid that after I took it, he would come and change it again. I’m more afraid of this one.

He chose us to be the last person in that role. But when Mom plays, she can steal the scene in every movie she plays?

Mother Aew: I’m not teasing anyone. My mother read the script. Understand the characters

There was one chapter that my mother didn’t like. And not playing along, is it a love scene?

Mae Aew : Can’t play if nowadays it’s smooth. But we were born from a movie love scene. Hug each other and then go down to bed and plan to go to the fire. We got it together, but now it’s not. Now we really have to see each other. There is a movie about having an affair with a ghost. Mom has to go erotic. Playing with P’Ek Sorapong, and from what Mom heard, you really had to take it off. When you saw the back, you had to caress each other. Don’t play with me. I’m ticklish. I’ll shout something and be embarrassed by him. Then he’ll come give me ice to rub. Mom doesn’t play.

For example, in some scenes, a man comes and whispers in Mom’s ear. I don’t want that at all?

Mae Aew: In the past, when we were filming a movie, we stood and took pictures together. He stands beside us. He started to sing in my ear, almost like he was flirting with me, but I wasn’t angry at him. But inside, he’s just thinking.

Mother is a symbol of brightness. But my mother’s love life wasn’t like that at all. Is it a person who can be called unlucky in love?

Mae Aew: Yes, it’s like we bought a lottery ticket and we still have a chance. But this one, my mother’s lottery ticket was stolen. I didn’t take care of it at all, it was gone.

Mother Aew broke up with her ex-husband a long time ago?

Mae Aew: It’s been a long time since 40.

By being cheated on too. Been mentally hurt?

Mae Aew : Yes, it’s like we’re being honored, in the sense that we take care of everything. But one day, when he went to his house and bought expensive animal materials to put in his house, he got angry and put a gun on his waist. Hey..I’m mad at my wife. Doing this? It’s heartbreaking. Can I live with this? I must escape. At his mother’s house, they set up a mosquito net for her. How do husbands and wives fight and sleep together? Our legs will touch each other and it will be fine for a while. But here, we lay down mats and mosquito nets for us. We have only one duty, which is to close the door of the house and go to sleep. Crying without reconciliation, going through life alone, lonely, everything is sad. I only got myself back.

What do past bad things teach us?

Mother Aew: Teach you to love yourself very much. Asked if the people we need to take care of are children, parents, other than that, whether they are sincere with us or not, we look at it. Whoever is good is good too. But you have to love yourself. Love our people as much as possible.

How did you get past this?

Mae Aew: Actually, I can’t cross it in time to get it. See the doctor. Go see the doctor and get the thing removed. He said he got something. I asked what should I do? He said he took a nail and hammered it into the window of the house, lit 3-4 candles in front of the Buddha image, and the house almost caught fire. Since then, I’ve stopped doing it. The truth is, it’s up to us. No need to see a doctor No need to find a way out. Wherever he goes, let him go. He broke up and went to do our best. Then come and start a new life. See what we can do, earn money, go find it, don’t worry about finding him.

Mom mentioned the year 1997 3 times. Does that mean that year was not the best year?

Mae Aew: It was the worst year of my life. I slipped and fell. I went for an x-ray and the doctor said there was a tumor like this. It had teeth, hair, nails, and hairs. I asked the doctor what they called it. Scientifically, it’s called The Moist, but if it’s occult, you’re hit by something.

Does that mean he scanned it and saw it?

Mother Aew: He saw that he had a tooth. I haven’t seen anything else yet. When we saw a molar tooth, we were shocked. Don’t believe me 100% yet. Go see another doctor and get an x-ray. We went to 3 places and they all saw the same thing. I decided to have surgery. The doctor cut it open and saw the nail. Saw a tuft of skin with hair and then some teeth.

Did you see it with your own eyes?

Mother Aew: I saw it with my own eyes. The doctor kept it.

What was your state of mind at that time after seeing it?

Mae Aew: I was very shocked. I definitely got something. I consulted with Mae Nok Chantana. He told me you got something. And when I was in the hospital, there were people who secretly came to look at me all the time. When I returned home, I kept secretly looking at me from the balcony upstairs. When he was in the hospital, he came in through the balcony. When it arrived, I pulled it out and put on a red cloth and put saline on the other side. We pulled it back. He was about to pull us away, and we remembered that we had called the nurse to put it under the pillow, so we pressed and the nurse ran in and he disappeared. The nurse came in to talk to the doctor. Has anyone died here? There aren’t. There aren’t any in the new hospital. If it’s not infected, the doctor must sit here. Let’s live together He came to work and looked at us, and we looked at him. Everyone stared at each other. For a while we slept, then at 10-11 a.m. Mom woke up again and came to pull us again. My sister knocked on the room. Because we called before we fell asleep this time and said to bring the Buddha amulet with us. Because my boyfriend took it back. He brought it and put it in his neck. I only knew that from that day it had been damaged. When I got home it was still like this. Until 2 weeks later my father passed away, 2 weeks later my husband broke up. It was a year where everything was lost. And your husband didn’t come to your father’s funeral. I didn’t come to burn my father. Asked if we cried over and over because we loved Father. Dad drove us from the time we acted in movies until now. Once we were able to drive ourselves, we went on our own. I live with my father very closely, both father and mother. But why is he the person to whom we gave everything? Wake up and give it to us. until going to work In the house, they all cultivated things, but we didn’t get anything. We have to come back and cry after being dumped by our husband, saying in Year 9 that we couldn’t get along, is that right? It would be better for us to stay apart for 6 months. We are still kind. On December 5th, we made merit at home. Do I have to go? They shot each other hard. That day was the day he tied his wrists to his new wife. Is it sad? We knew that day immediately but couldn’t do anything. When night fell, it was like there was fate, there was karma, there was a barrage of shooting. The Subdistrict Administrative Organization’s dead person was lying on the steps of his mother’s house. I’m not going back again.

Why did they shoot each other?

Mother Aew: There must be something going on. And shoot hundreds of bullets at each other. Then he raised Hundreds of traveling officials Good thing we didn’t go. Because he said there was nothing It was the same as before, just coming to make merit at home, just like every year. After that day, we said I’ll tell everyone I’m free. Because we know and see. I’m single now. He’s already remarried. Now I can show everything alone. Since then, I haven’t talked about him. Talking about us not having a job, we’re in a bad situation, we cut this person out and get it out of our heads. Oh my god, work comes, whatever comes, everything comes. In one year we got everything. Life got a lot better, got a house, got a car, got everything. Became Ampha Phusit again for 6 full months of being stupid like that.

The world of men is gone. Open to a new world as a woman?

Mae Aew: After breaking up with my ex-husband for about 2 years, one day I went to get my nails done, get my nails done, get my hair done. I needed to be beautiful, and I met a person walking in with a beautifully dressed woman. Another person cuts his hair like a man. Is this him calling Tom? He’s cute, right? He left his number at the counter. I sent it back. Then I asked who it was. Is it his girlfriend? Not his sister.

So who calls who first?

Mother Aew: It’s him. He called and my heart pounded. But he’s a woman just like us. So what do you do? I thought the same thing in my heart and talked. He was like a man with a feeling of generosity. have a feeling More pampering than men, taking care of us, understanding us more than the old man.

Win hearts with feelings?

Mae Aew: Feelings and many other things, he takes care of us that that person has never taken care of us at all. We have feelings, we take care of him, he takes care of us. We’re still okay. But this time, he took good care of us. Okay, now let’s divide the day. At first, I didn’t know it was his wife. I found out later. When he used me, I went to look for insurance. We’re like…why do we have to find insurance? People who are tomboys take us to know about insurance. I bought my insurance. Deposited 100,00 baht for 10 people already. He revealed that he was his wife.

So what do I do?

Mother Aew: Oh..fooling Aew. I told him that we were fooling each other. But it’s okay, we’ve come this far. Fake it, you have to fool it. It happened, so we divided the days. He used to come see us every day, but there were 2 days left.

At that time, did you accept it?

Mae Aew: He agreed for about a year. He went to rent an apartment close to the woman’s house. He runs every morning, but really, he doesn’t come knocking in the room with us. After 1-2 hours, he runs back to his house. When it was finished, later we talked and said that it couldn’t be like this anymore. I took it for 5 days, and I worked together all the time. I got 2 days. One day, I secretly ran away to talk. The woman gave chase, bringing a gun with her. He said no. He is the only one at fault. Don’t do this. Aew, go back to before. If we meet like this, we must break up, so we break up. But he is a person who wants to please, but it is necessary to break up.

Have you ever been disappointed about love?

Mother Aew: Someone saw the doctor and asked her to come and say that We were born to bring happiness to the people. He didn’t let us find happiness for ourselves. So I thought that there shouldn’t be any. He really allowed us to bring happiness to the villagers. Nowadays there is no one.

Are there really young men chasing you?

Mae Aew: There’s a little bit. He’s an old man. We don’t look at children anymore. Now we have the feeling that if anyone comes in, I must not be in trouble, I must be comfortable.

Does that mean he’s older than us?

Mae Aew: We’re probably the same age. I feel like if he could support us in everything. I’m ready to take care of you in everything too.

How long has this person been flirting with you?

Mae Aew: 5-6 months

What is all support?

Mother Aew: Since he is alone, he has to give it all to us. We will never abandon you. Because we are famous people If we leave him, it will be big news. Ampha leaves her husband. Of course, mother must be in the news. So no, Mom won’t do it. Mother will take care of you like an egg in a rock. Nowadays, when I earn money, I save it for my children to use. But now, if I have you, you take care of me, then we will go after the old people. The children can live together now.

Have you talked to him directly like this?

Mae Aew: It was a little chatty. There were many things. Just going to meet for a bit. Eat and then go home.

How cute is he?

Mae Aew: He is a quiet, neat person.

Aside from this person, who else comes to sell us dumplings?

Mother Aew: He sent it via Line. Mom doesn’t know what to say. Mom said hello. I blocked her. I don’t want to talk anymore. Child, it’s not. We’re already this old. One day he will see the difference. Coming in through Line, it’s not all blocked. There are many people, but it’s not.

What is the minimum number of contacts?

Mae Aew: I guess around 30, he probably sees that I’m a lonely woman, right? It’s not.

Does that mean that deep down right now, Mom is still afraid of love?

Mother Aew: Of course. We are afraid of everything. We are here, we can take care of ourselves, we can take care of our children, we can take care of all the things in our home. Therefore, we don’t need anyone. But if there is someone, we must not be tired. We must not be burdened. We must have nothing at all.

If the person entering Windu is watching right now, what would you like to tell them?

Mae Aew: Watch it for a long time. If you trust it, then it’s okay.

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