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MADURO – Twitter blocks the official account of the Venezuelan Presidency

Twitter has blocked in recent hours the official account of the Venezuelan Presidency (@PresidencialVen), as it has already done with accounts linked to the vice president, Delcy Rodríguez, something that the Government of Nicolás Maduro frames in a “systematic campaign” of the American company against ‘chavismo’.

The social network reports in a message that appears when loading @PresidencialVen that “this account is temporarily restricted” because “unusual activity was detected”, without giving details.

In mid-March, she already did the same with @ViceVenezuela, associated with Rodríguez’s office. “In the midst of the worst global pandemic, they canceled an account where we are informing the population,” denounced Maduro’s ‘number two’ in his personal account.

Days later, Twitter deleted a ‘tweet’ from Maduro in which he disclosed a series of articles by the Venezuelan scientist Sirio Quintero in which he refers to the coronavirus as a “bioterrorist” weapon and gives home remedies.

Maduro then denounced “a systematic blocking policy against spokesperson accounts of the Bolivarian Government through which information is provided to the community to combat the pandemic.”

The Bolivarian president explained on VTV that his government has tried to contact Twitter and its subsidiary in Mexico, which is in charge of managing the social network throughout the region, to ask for explanations for what it perceives as “a violation of the freedom to inform and express themselves. “

“The evidence and the facts demonstrate that it is part of a persecution to hinder and prevent the free expression of ideas by groups, individuals and groups that are identified as ‘Chavistas’ or revolutionaries,” the Venezuelan network affirms on Tuesday.

Venezuela is in a “social quarantine” to fight the coronavirus, which for the moment has left three dead and 135 cases in the Caribbean nation. According to the opposition and international organizations, the country is especially vulnerable due to the humanitarian crisis that it has suffered for years.

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