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Maduro proposes national debate on face-to-face return to classes

The first national president, Nicolás Maduro, proposed this Friday to submit to a national public consultation, in which all sectors that make life in the education sector of the entire country participate for next October, all proposals for creation and implementation of the Creole method of «safe, partial and face-to-face return» of classes at all levels: primary, secondary and university level.

«I want to make a public consultation, attention to universities, attention to the country’s teachers, a consultation that takes us about 15 days … we have always taken bold measures, on time (…), I believe that we could study a modality
For the month of October, back to face-to-face classes in school, high schools, colleges and universities, but I want you to study, Vice President (Delcy Rodríguez), Aristóbulo (Istúriz), Trómpiz, Association of Rectors … the entire educational community, study the modalities and options that we have and open a debate with the communities of parents and representatives “, said the president.

“I think we can do it safely, equipping schools, high schools and it could be established by student bands,” he said, suggesting evaluating a methodology that adapts to the Venezuelan radical quarantine scheme as well as to the days of flexibilization in conscious quarantine, such as the 7 + 7 formula applied in the campaign against covid. A partial, face-to-face and safe return to classes, I could say it this way, that combines the distance education that we are carrying out through the Internet, through teleclasses, on television, etc, ”said the national president.

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