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Madrid Official’s Partner to File Complaint Against Minister for Revealing Tax Information

The partner of the president of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, will file a complaint against the first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, and is considering denouncing the Prosecutor’s Office and the Tax Agency for “revelation of secrets.” But Alberto González Amador will not take this step with the same lawyer who handled the tax case, but rather, for this second case, he has chosen to put himself in the hands of a specialized law firm, according to El País.

The step of filing a complaint against the Prosecutor’s Office adopted by González Amador is due to the publication this Thursday of the note released about his actions regarding the complaint filed against Ayuso’s partner and four other people for the alleged crimes of tax fraud and document falsification. which became known on Tuesday via Eldiario.es and according to which he had defrauded the Treasury of 350,951 euros between 2020 and 2021 through a scheme of false invoices and shell companies.

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According to the documentation to which La Vanguardia has had access, the accused himself acknowledged the alleged tax crimes through his lawyer when on February 2 he proposed a settlement agreement, thereby accepting a criminal sanction.

This proposal of conformity “recognised the authorship of Mr. González Amador of the commission of two crimes against the Public Treasury for the Corporate Tax, 2020 and 2021,” the Prosecutor’s Office stressed.

I think that Mrs. Montero is fully aware that she has made a mistake and that she has revealed some information that she should never have said before or after.

Rocío AlbertCounselor of Economy of the Com. from Madrid

Although Ayuso remains silent and keeps her public agenda empty, the Minister of Economy, Finance and Employment of the Community of Madrid, Rocío Albert, has assured that the first vice president and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, “has committed a crime for revealing the private data” of Alberto González.

“I think it is what has to be done. It cannot be that the rights of an individual are completely undermined simply because you are someone’s partner. If this does not exist, then the rule of law does not exist,” the counselor stated. in an interview on Telemadrid.

Albert has pointed out that “one of the fundamental reasons that is always defended in the Tax Agency is that the data is absolutely private.” In this sense, he has defended that “if they carry out a tax inspection or any other type of action, the information must be reserved.”

“I think that Mrs. Montero is fully aware that she has made a mistake and that she has revealed some information that she should never have said before or after. She is going to have to answer for that because there is a crime that leads to prison,” he noted.

The Madrid Lawyers see the disclosure of data from the Prosecutor’s Office as “extremely serious”

The Madrid Bar Association has criticized the disclosure by the Provincial Prosecutor’s Office of data from the conversations between the lawyer of Alberto González Amador, partner of the president of the Madrid Community, Isabel Díaz Ayuso, with the prosecutor.

The Madrid Bar Association describes as “extreme seriousness” the revelation by the Prosecutor’s Office, through an official statement, of specific data from investigation proceedings, detailing dates and content of conversations and meetings, all of which produced a rupture. of the professional secrecy that protects the communications of lawyers”.

Remember that “the Statute of the Legal Profession establishes in its article 22 without palliatives the duty and right of lawyers to keep secret all communications and proposals related to the exercise of their profession, thus guaranteeing trust and protection of rights. of his clients”,

He adds that “in addition, the Organic Statute of the Public Prosecutor’s Office highlights in its article 4 the limit of the obligation to inform by the Prosecutor’s Office, emphasizing respect for the secrecy of the summary and the duties of confidentiality and discretion inherent to the position, as well as to the rights of those involved”.

2024-03-15 12:34:43
#Ayusos #partner #change #lawyers #denounce #Montero #revealing #secrets

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