Home » today » Entertainment » Madrid celebrates ‘The Night of Books’ on April 22, with more than 380 activities and the participation of 464 authors

Madrid celebrates ‘The Night of Books’ on April 22, with more than 380 activities and the participation of 464 authors

The tribute to Almudena Grandes and the dialogue between Mario Vargas Llosa and Andrés Trapiello stand out


The Community of Madrid will hold a new edition of ‘The Night of Books’ on the 22nd, which will feature more than 380 activities and the participation of 464 authors in 66 municipalities in the region.

“Madrid is a night owl. We are going to enjoy music, rehearsals, manga and music. A true reading festival open to all Madrid residents and visitors”, highlighted the Minister of Culture, Tourism and Sports, Marta Rivera de Cross.

The objective is that the Community “continues to be the region where seven out of ten citizens read regularly”. Therefore, the counselor has highlighted the “importance” of this cultural project, which has the greatest participation of public and private entities, and to continue promoting reading.

The programming is supported by dozens of bookstores, libraries and cultural centers of the Community. This new edition will feature the participation of 464 authors, 168 cultural institutions from all over the region, 181 bookstores and 115 libraries, in a program that will offer more than 387 activities.

Thus, some of the actions will be dialogues between authors, musical performances, theatre, literary routes and activities for children, combining face-to-face and online formats. All this under the motto ‘Madrid reads: The city in books and books in the city’.

Mario Vargas Llosa, Annie Ernaux, Andrés Trapiello, Elvira Sastre, Manuel Vilas, Violeta Monreal, Joaquín Reyes, Kenny Ruiz, Nando López, Isaac Rosa, Lara Moreno and Ana Iris Simón are some of the stars this year, at an event that It will take place throughout the day in bookstores, libraries, museums, institutions and cultural centers.

In this way, the Royal Post Office, seat of the regional government, will once again become the epicenter of the festival, with a space that will host a conversation between the writers Mario Vargas Llosa and Andrés Trapiello.

Moderated by the journalist Juan Cruz, the authors will talk about ‘The quiet gaze’, the personal tribute that the Nobel Prize for Literature pays in his latest work to Benito Pérez a Galdós. Next, the journalist and writer Berna González Harbor will interview the French writer Annie Ernaux, who is participating for the first time.

In addition, in this same space and under the title ‘Almudena Grandes and José Manuel Caballero Bonald: a literary friendship’, the director of the Caballero Bonald Foundation, Pepa Parra; the Chus Viewer editor; the director of the Cervantes Institute in Tangier, Javier Rioyo; and the poet, writer and journalist, Antonio Lucas, will talk and read fragments of the work of both authors, united by their friendship and who died last year.


The programming around the Puerta del Sol will share the limelight with the proposals prepared in the different bookshops, libraries and cultural centers and institutions that, throughout the region, will join the celebration.

On the other hand, the Teatros del Canal will display a staging in which the spectator “will experience total darkness” while listening to the selected texts of ‘Essay on blindness, in a unique tribute to Nobel Prize winner José Saramago.

The authors Begoña Oro, at the Soto del Real Art and Tourism Center; Manuel Vilas, at the Luis de Góngora Library in Villaviciosa de Odón, and Julia Navarro, at the Arroyomolinos Library, will lead meetings with their readers, a formula that will be held in all the participating municipalities.

In addition, from Thursday the 21st to Saturday the 23rd, the XXVI Continued Reading of Don Quixote will take place at the Círculo de Bellas Artes. For their part, at the Reina Sofía National Art Center Museum, Marcos Giralt Torrente, son of Juan Giralt, and Rodrigo Muñoz Avia, son of Lucio Muñoz and Amalia Avia, will talk about literature and plastic arts, parents, children and legacies, moderated by the journalist Beatriz Nogal.

Likewise, all visitors who come to the CaixaForum cultural center in the capital will be able to write and at the same time read verses that others write for the creation of a universal poem that “literally, will go from ‘Madrid to heaven'”.

Meanwhile, at Casa América, Martín Caparrós and Michelle Roche Rodríguez will speak, moderated by Raquel Garzón, about the home away from home that Madrid is for them; and in the Espacio Fundación Telefónica, Mery Cuesta, author of Absurd Humor, Alba Carballal and Javier Cansado, will deal with the question, ‘Is there a ‘Madrid’ humor?’

Rivera de la Cruz has also encouraged the people of Madrid and visitors to create a universal poem, “above all that which inspires them”. The activity will take place on Twitter under the hashtag #LaNocheDeLosLibrosUniversal.


Children and young people will enjoy, at the Real Casa de Postas, ‘Ay! I was wrong, but I don’t care.’ Manga lovers will also be able to chat with Kenny Ruiz, the only author of the genre who publishes in Japan, and those who are passionate about poetry will enjoy ‘Poetry or Barbarism | Slam Poetry’, with Paloma Chen, Amalia Buitrago and Ecléctica.

Likewise, with music as the protagonist, the researcher and artist Gloria G. Durán, author of ‘Sicalípticas. The great book of cuplé and sycalypsis’, and the journalist Miguel Agnes will talk with the cuplet singer Laura Inclán in the Plaza del Conde Barajas. At the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, the protagonist will be ‘The txistu in the 21st century’.

The literary routes this year will focus on ‘The Madrid of women writers: literature, journalism and politics’ (from Plaza de Pontejos to the Congress of Deputies) and ‘El Madrid Noir de Servando Rocha’ (from Plaza de la Paja ).

In addition, the peculiar tournament ‘On the hunt for books’ will be held on the Cuesta de Moyano, led by the humorist and author Joaquín Reyes and Desirée de Fez, an expert in the horror genre

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