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Madrid and Barcelona go to phase 2 and 70% of Spain has reached the last stage of the de-escalation | Coronavirus Spain

Madrid, Barcelona and the whole of Castilla y León, the only Autonomous Communities that until now were in the most restrictive phase of de-escalation, advance to phase 2. In this way, Spain leaves behind the most severe restrictions imposed by the emergence of the coronavirus. . Since March 14, with the approval of the state of alarm, the country had been confined to prevent the virus from spreading.

In addition to these three territories, most of which were in phase 2 also pass to phase 3. In this way Asturias, Aragon, Andalusia, the Balearic Islands, Cantabria, Castilla la Mancha, some areas of Castilla y León, the Canary Islands , Ceuta, Extremadura, Galicia, the Valencian Community, Navarra, three areas of Catalonia, the Region of Múrcia, La Rioja and Melilla will already be in the last phase, where the autonomous presidents become the highest competent authority.

Thus, in 70% of the national territory, as of Monday, the communities themselves will direct the de-escalation. Starting Tuesday, if regional presidents consider it, they can end the restrictive measures and go directly to the new normal. However, that same Tuesday, the Council of Ministers will approve a royal decree-law to combine some sanitary measures that prevent a possible regrowth in any area of ​​the country that may affect all Spaniards.

Changes in phase 2

Phase 2 contemplates more flexible measures than phase 1 of the de-escalation plan, especially regarding social contact. One of the most notable novelties is that the time slots for walking and sports are eliminated, although a schedule will be reserved exclusively for the elderly and vulnerable people. The number of participants in home meetings also increases, from 10 to 15.

In restaurants and shops there are also substantial changes. After three months without being able to do so, customers will be able to access the interior of bars and restaurants, which have a capacity of 40%. The terrace service remains the same as in phase 1, with a capacity limit of 50% and a maximum of 10 people per table.

In this phase two, they will also be able to open shopping centers and stores of more than 400 square meters. The capacity, therefore, will be limited to 30% in common areas and 40% inside stores. They can also reopen cinemas, theaters and auditoriums with a third occupancy.

From Monday weddings can also be held with guests. If the links are outdoors, the number of guests may be 100 people. If the invitation is in a closed space, however, the maximum number of people who can accompany the bride and groom on the most important day of their lives is 50.

Changes in phase 3

In the last phase, meetings of 20 people are already allowed both in private homes and outdoors, as long as the hygiene and social distancing measures established are maintained. The most vulnerable groups should continue to avoid this type of meeting.

The number of wedding guests also increases, rising to 75 in closed spaces and 150 in open spaces. More family members will also be able to attend the funerals, up to 25 if they are held indoors and 50 if they are held outdoors.

In the case of hospitality businesses, its interior capacity will increase to 50% and it can be consumed at a table or bar, provided the safety distance is guaranteed. The hotels will now be able to open all the common areas, although with limited capacity. The catering services will be governed by the specific rules for that sector, in this case 50% of the capacity. Shopping centers and large stores will already be able to accommodate more buyers, reaching up to 50%.

Group classes of up to 20 people are also allowed in the gyms. They may also reopen the theme parks with a 50% capacity. The same capacity will be allowed in museums, libraries, cinemas, circuses, theaters and auditoriums, which will require prior reservation. Outdoor performances and festivals will be able to host 800 people outdoors and 80 if it is indoors.

The professional football matches, which will resume next week, will be played without an audience despite the lifting of much of the restrictions as of Monday. In this case, the Ministry of Health imposes its criteria against that of the Autonomous Communities and decides that spectators cannot enter.

In this third phase, the highest competent authority will also be the president of each autonomous community. The Government, in the final section of the de-escalation, only reserves the capacity to restrict mobility. In addition, the CCAA that are in phase three will be able to determine, at what moment, when they pass to the ‘new normality’.

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