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Madrid and Barcelona go to phase 1

In Spain, de-escalation also reaches Madrid and Barcelonathat go to phase 1 this Monday, which supposes an important jump in the economic reactivation, when in the country the number of daily infections drops to 246 and the death toll remains below one hundred, although with a rebound. 70 people have died in the last 24 hours.

The Minister Spokesperson, María Jesús Montero, has appealed to individual responsibility and not to lower her guard before the advance of the de-escalation.

To overcome the havoc caused by the pandemic in the Spanish economy, Pedro Sánchez has advocated for promoting national and foreign tourism as of July. Next week a vital minimum income will be approved to reduce poverty and will benefit some 850,000 households at a cost of 3,000 million annually for the State.

The official 10-day mourning, which will be approved in the coming days, will coincide with the prompt departure from the state of alarm in various regions, state of alarm that will end throughout the country in late June or early July at the latest.

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