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Madonna will go to Pompeii but no party: it will be a private visit

No mega party, much less with 500 VIP guests, but Veronica Ciccone, aka Madonna, will be at the Pompeii excavations on Friday 16 August like any tourist who treats herself on her birthday. The prefect of Naples, Michele di Bari, cleared the field of the hypotheses that have been circulating in recent days, at the end of a meeting of the committee for public order held in the Prefecture. “It will be a cultural visit – specifies the prefect after the denial written yesterday by the Archaeological Park – there will be no party, but a completely private visit by those who love Pompeii”.
The uproar that had been created around the possibility that the famous Italian-American pop star would celebrate her 66th birthday in the setting of the Teatro Grande, gathering around her personalities of the star system for a banquet prepared by starred chefs, has thus faded. But the curiosity to see the singer wandering among the ruins of the Pompeii excavations, like any other tourist, has not diminished. The definition of a security plan is inevitable, even if the prefect limits himself to saying that the measures “will be there and will be adequate” without going into details.

“Those expected – he specifies – when these events take place with personalities that can attract many people. As for the possible itineraries (there has also been talk in these hours of a possible stop in Capri for the singer, ed.) we have no precise information, these are questions that mature day by day. For now we know that it will be in Pompeii”.
Madonna could benefit from an exceptional guide for her tour inside the excavations, the director of the excavations Gabriel Zuchtriegel: «I believe there will be a meeting with the director inside the park» is all the prefect of Bari says, who is keen to reiterate the private nature of the visit. «It will be a completely private visit, with elements of cultural curiosity. In fact, Madonna has a great deal of cultural interest, she loves this archaeological park and can’t wait to go there. But there will be no dinner. None of this – he reiterates – just a cultural event inside the park».

This is why for the Neapolitan prefect the arrival of the pop star is to be considered “an acknowledgement of the projects of the archaeological city”. The hypothesis advanced in recent days of a gift from the pop star to the Park remains on the table. The prefect does not confirm: “I do not know of a payment for this exclusive visit, and I have no idea. But it can happen. Madonna could do it because she loves Pompeii, she loves this archaeological park and she can’t wait to go there”.

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– 2024-08-14 12:18:57

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