A career spanning almost half a century (!) Madonnas was built not only on catchy songs, but above all on breaking taboos and scandals that shocked public opinion. And while her position as the queen of pop was once unchallenged, today the singer’s imitative music and “Instagram” excesses arouse pity rather than admiration.
Madonna is currently busy celebrating her 66th birthday, which falls on August 16. The singer, like every year, has decided to celebrate her holiday for a whole week, so she has generously taken her new love, a group of children and a group of friends to Portofino on board a private plane.
The rest of the article is below the video
See also: Madonna’s 16-year-old son arrested for marijuana possession. Star supports teenager
The birthday girl naturally shared her story from the celebrations via social media. Her Instagram profile features a number of carefully selected photos – looking at them, it’s hard to believe that the artist is already in her late 70s.
The queen of music showed a few photos, as well as photos of the place where she feasted with her loved ones. There were also shots of her children and her 28-year-old lover, a Jamaican footballer Akeema Morrisa.
In the photos, immortalized by photographer Ricardo Gomes, we see the star dressed in clothes from the iconic Italian brand, posing in front of the camera. Thanks to the applied filter and graphic corrections, the famous plastic surgery enthusiast looks not much older than her daughter.
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Who is she trying to fool with these retouched photos? Herself, I guess. Sad.
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Whatever you say, it doesn’t look good..
She has fewer wrinkles than me I’m jealous because I’m half her age
This is a caricature, not a person.
Forms yes but smileys no!
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In our strange country, a 50-year-old is already a senior citizen, she just has to lie down and wait for death because nothing is appropriate, let people live as they want, age has nothing to do with it
Pray for this man please
He looks like Merlin Manson
No iron will help this lady….
and whether both…
1 hour ago
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A woman who REALLY GOT a lot of money from people
Looks like Manson…brrr
looks great! I know, I saw it live
This is probably the first time I’d rather be chubby and old than like her.
It disgusts me
S T R A S Z Y D Ł O !!!!
You have to know when to leave the stage.
What are you doing, woman? When I happen to look at these faces for a long time, I lose track of who is who. Lately, I see Malgorzata R. everywhere. But it turns out that it’s not her. Probably because she is everywhere even when you don’t want her to be. Plastic surgery doesn’t have much to offer, it produces identical faces. Because there’s no other way, it’s just that
It all depends on the lighting. And that’s it