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Maddie McCann missing: suspect was up to mischief in Bavaria – further terrible cases revealed

Did Christian B. kidnap and kill little Maddie McCann? The suspect has already been convicted in Bavaria.

  • Little Maddie McCann from England is still missing.
  • Christian B. is considered an urgent suspect for the BKA.
  • The man’s trail leads to Bavaria.

Praia da Luz / Bavaria – one of the most spectacular Criminal cases of the current century could actually be about to be solved, now the crime against the little one Maddie McCann finally cleared up? The BKA Wiesbaden is sure that Christian B. kidnapped the little girl in Portugal in 2007*.

Now suspect Christian B. is also moving targeted in the case of missing Inga*. Does the 43-year-old have anything to do with the girl and her Disappear* to do in Saxony-Anhalt?

Maddie McCann misses: Christian B.’s trail leads to Bavaria

The 43-year-old can already look back on 17 convictions. The German is currently sitting in a prison in Kiel prison sentence that the district court Niebüll had already imposed on him in 2011. It was about trading narcotics.

In parallel, he is ordered to be held in custody on charges of rape. The last time the district court of Braunschweig sentenced him on December 16, 2019, for more severe rape including previous sentences of seven years imprisonment.

The crime is said to have taken place in Portugal in 2005, but for years the rape of the woman has not been proven to the German. Accordingly, around one and a half years before Maddie’s disappearance, in Portuguese Praia da Luz, a 72-year-old American raped at the time.

Only a DNA comparison and a found video of the rape ensured an arrest and extradition to Germany. The judgment is not yet final, the revision is with the Federal Court of Justice. In May 2007 the little Maddie disappeared in exactly this small place in Portugal.

Madeleine McCann missing: suspect commuted between Portugal and Germany

According to the Investigators Between 1995 and 2007 the accused lived regularly in the Algarve, including a few years in a house between Lagos and Praia da Luz. He commuted again and again between Germany and Portugal and was punished several times in both countries.

In September 2017, he became owner of Child pornography and sexual abuse of a child by the district court Brunswick sentenced. The man had been given a year and three months’ imprisonment, which he had already served, confirmed Thomas Klinge, spokesman for the child and youth pornography officer Public prosecutor Hanover.

Maddie McCann missing: alleged perpetrator Christian B. between Würzburg and Augsburg

Loud mirror the criminal record of the man has a total of 17 entries. As the Tagesschau reports, Christian B. is said to have been born in Bavaria in 1977 and initially grew up in a children’s home. In 1993, B. became suspicious for the first time under criminal law. Because of driving without a license and theft, the German was eight months old probation sentenced.

A few months later, Christian B. had to do it again dish accountable. In October 1993, the district court of Würzburg imposed a two-year juvenile sentence on the child, who was then still a minor, for “sexual abuse of a child who attempted sexual abuse Abuse of a child and performing sexual acts in front of a child, ”according to court documents.

How picture B. is said to have abused a six-year-old girl at a playground in Würzburg. When the child is said to have started crying, B. ran away. On his escape, he said Wurzburg tries to abuse a nine year old. The verdict: two years in prison, because B. was at that time on parole.

Over the years, the now 43-year-old was drawn to Bavaria again. As the BKA explained in the current issue of “Case number XY”, it has so far been possible to trace that the suspect’s car had been registered in Augsburg and Munich.

Maddie missing: acquaintance of the suspect reports exact details

Like an acquaintance to German RTL explains, Christian B. is said to have lived as a subtenant in Augsburg after his return from Portugal. His former roommate explains in the interviewthat the 43-year-old should have admitted his Jaguar to himself when Christian B. had to go to prison in Portugal.

After the 43-year-old had served his sentence in Portugal, Christian B. came back to Augsburg. “Later he then registered the car to a friend in Munich,” explains Alexander B. in an interview with the TV station. According to RTL, referring to investigators, this reregistration is said to have taken place one day after little Maddie disappeared.

* Merkur.de and tz.de belong to the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

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