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Macron interrupted by Putin at climate summit

Photo: frame from video

Climate Summit encounters technical problems

After Putin’s speech, the US Secretary of State apologized for the technical failure and the broadcast of Macron’s speech began again.

During the climate summit, due to technical problems, Russian President Vladimir Putin was broadcast ahead of time, interrupting the speech of French President Emmanuel Macron. This was reported by the RIA Kremlinpool Telegram channel.

The summit program established that the leaders of the states would speak in alphabetical order. Thus, Putin was supposed to deliver his speech as the 22nd in a row.

US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, in the presence of President Joe Biden, announced Emmanuel Macron’s speech, which was broadcast without translation into English. At the same time, Indonesian President Joko Widodo appeared in the frame for a few seconds.

During Macron’s speech, Blinken announced that the floor was given to Putin, who, as seen on the broadcast, was waiting to speak in his office.

Putin began to speak only after almost a minute and a half due to technical problems. After his speech, Blinken apologized for the technical glitch and the broadcast of Macron’s speech began again.

Earlier it was reported that at the summit, the US President Joe Biden voiced climate target USA.

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