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Macri’s audience plummeted when TN aired and the launch of the “New PRO” had practically no viewers on YouTube

The new official participated in the right-wing streaming, where he answered questions and shared impressive anecdotes from his life.

Alejandro AlvarezUndersecretary of University Policies of the Nation, an agency that depends on the Ministry of Human Capital, returned on Thursday to “The Mass“, the right-wing streaming program on the channel “Damn“, led by the Daniel of Parishe “Gordo Dan”.

In his participation in the program, “the Professor” Alvarez He assured that his approach to the president Javier Miley and the ideas of freedom was due to the program in which I was participating, “The Mass“, which I was a spectator of for quite some time and He lent his studies in 2023 so that they could do the program.

His nickname is not casual, it is Professor of Political Science at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) y Associate Professor of Economic History at the University of La Matanza (UNLAM). He is also a lawyer and worked in the former Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation.

But his libertarian ideology is even more valuable, given that he is the son of AlejandroThe GalicianÁlvarezfounder of Iron Guardan ultra-Peronist organization of the 60s that had a right-wing line within the PJ and? He confronted Montoneros and the ERP for their rejection of armed struggle.

Despite a Peronist family heritage, Alejandro Álvarez approached La Libertad Avanza (LLA) after holding meetings with liberal deputies and actively participate in social networks, making friends with famous space activists over the years.

As for Alvarez’s perspective on the university system he leads, one can find an article entitled: “Breaking corporate university inertia or the reign of ‘it can’t be done’”, in which he questions the unions and political organizations of national universities. In addition, He criticized the creation of universities of recent years and stated that “From 2018 onwards, a climate of Sovietization was experienced in university cloisters”.

In turn, since his appointment to the position, the Undersecretary stood out for his Combating socialist indoctrination in public universitiessomething that, unfortunately, became increasingly common under previous governments.

Speaking on the program, he said that, in his experience as a teacher, he was able to see how universities were co-opted by Kirchnerismand a was made strong ideological persecution towards those who did not think according to the K.

In a class, a teacher asked his students to raise their hands if they supported Milei, and then said to those who raised their hands: Well, you will never pass my subject.“, Alvarez said.

In the same sense, the Undersecretary mentioned an area of ​​the Ministry of Human Capital, in which they are dedicated to receive complaints from students about cases of indoctrination or ideological persecution by teachers, with the aim of ending once and for all the left-wing bias that exists in universities.

When mentioning the president, Alejandro Álvarez assured that Javier Milei is a “world teacher” and that the “Milei Chair” is teaching “forgotten universal truths“. “Milei is like a prophet who comes to remind us of the universal truths that had been forgotten., the roots, the most basic freedoms“the Undersecretary stated quite rightly.

When asked about Montoneros, Álvarez said that, in democracy and prior to the military dictatorship, the leftist terrorist group shot at his house.They didn’t like my old man very much. I had two events. In one, they kidnapped my grandparents and locked them in the bathroom, tied hand and foot.“.

This was because, as the undersecretary claims, his father was a great opponent of the terrorist group.In the other event, Montoneros passed by with the trucks and machine-gunned the front of my house“he added. As a result, Alejandro Alvarez and his family They had to go live in Cordobain the middle of a mountain.

Regarding President Milei’s political strategy, Alejandro stated: “As a political scientist, I believe he is a great political strategist, and I have great confidence in his strategy. I also have great confidence in his international strategy, in the great things that Argentina is going to do.“.

In addition, the Undersecretary shared his own experiences of discrimination on ideological grounds when he was a student.I had to take the final exam for a subject and I ended up getting a good grade, but the head of the chair came and, for no reason at all, lowered my grade to a 5. He did this because I was not from the same ideological current as him.“, Alvarez said.

Later, when asked about his vision for the future of the government, Alejandro said: “I can’t believe that everything that needed to be done is being done so quickly. I have a lot of confidence in him.“, and added: “Javier not only commands, but also sets the path and is several months ahead of reality.

Ending the interview, Alvarez strongly criticized the 2030 Agenda and said that a reverse should be done, creating the “Milei’s Agenda of Ideas“, to go out and expose it to the world.

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