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Machica Mocthar faints at the scene, Angkot flees after crashing


Macchica Mocthar became the victim of a runaway crash by an angkot. Even Machica had bruises on half of her face and was unconscious at the time of the incident.

Until now, Machica Mochtar never knew the person who hit him. He admitted that he did not remember the angkot that had hit him and fled.

The hit-and-run incident Machica Mochtar happened on February 4, 2022. After being hit, the fallen Machica immediately fainted.

At that time, Machica Mochtar was near his house and was on his way to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs complex.

“How do you want to take legal action? The person, the angkot ran, I was hit by unconsciousness. No one there knew either. The angkot had run, no one recorded the number,” said Machica Mocthar to detikcom, Thursday, February 11, 2022.

“(The incident) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs near my house, near Bintaro. I am still going to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” he said.

Machica Mochtar also consider this incident a disaster. He admitted that he had been very careful on the road. However, misfortune can come from outside him.

“Yes, it’s called a disaster, we don’t know when, even though we are careful, there are people who are not careful, they just want to do it. In the end, people hurt,” said Machica Mochtar.

Machica Mochtar currently believes that one day the angkot driver who runs away after hitting him will get the reward he deserves. Machica says God is not sleeping and is witness of the accident.

“Oops, never mind, you don’t have to send messages, let God answer. If you want to order, it’s a crazy person, right,” said Machica Mochtar.

The aftermath of the accident, half the face Machica Mochtar bruised right. There are even sores and swelling around the eyes.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]

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