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Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister demands an investigation against the beaten Hristiyan Pendikov – Svyat

26 February 2023 21:19

The Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister Boyan Maricic called on the prosecutor’s office in the Republic of Macedonia to start investigation against the brutally beaten Hristiyan Pendikov because of “the insults he has inflicted on the Macedonians”.

Pendikov’s bully on the loose

After the beating in his hometown of Ohrid on January 19, Pendikov stated that, unfortunately, “in the RSM it is normal for them to beat you, swear at you, shoot you because you are Bulgarian and the police do nothing”.

“Pendikov will must prove these claims – that the Bulgarians in Macedonia are mistreated. This is not true. It is not true that he was attacked because he was Bulgarian. Of course we don’t condone violence,” Maricic told McFax and called on prosecutors to take up the case. According to him Pendikov must bear responsibility for these statements. He should not be an exception and the prosecutor’s office should do its job, said Maricic, who is responsible for the European integration of the RSM.

The case for the attack on Pendikov in Ohrid has been scheduled

He also announced that “the law does not allow to revoke the Macedonian citizenship of Pendikov”.

Regarding the Bulgarian clubs, Maricic believes that they “are not a threat to the Macedonian identitybecause the Macedonian identity is solid and nothing can threaten it”. According to him, “the problem with the clubs is related to their names” and the Ministry of Justice is working on this case.

The Prosecutor’s Office in Ohrid officially announced that “Pendikov was beaten because of his Bulgarian ethnicity” and this is documented. Ilia Dimovski, who beat Pendikov, was released on February 20.

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